As all three of them got together, the ice-breaker of their conversation was the correction of Rena’s pronunciation of Regan’s last name. Both of them introduced themselves, and accurately guessed that he was, in fact, the one and only Rena Sato. Before responding, Rena took the chance before responding to observe them a little closer. He crossed his arms when I chilly breeze blew by. Would they be dealing with ocean winds the entire time they spent here? Sighing, Rena slid his bags onto the ground and rummaged through the gym bag until he came across a white hoodie, which he promptly tied around his waist. If he needed to later, he could put it on in a second flat. The styler that was in his back now neatly rested on top of the rest of his ranger supplies. “I’m Rena S. Sato; it’s nice to meet you both.” He gave them each a solid stare for at least a minute. He bit the bottom-left of his lip and continued. “I was raised in Anistar City, which is in Kalos if you forgot. My family owned a repair shop and naturally I worked there part-time.” “You both have pretty similar names,” Derrick had said. Rena frowned a bit at the thought. They weren’t [i]really[/i] that similar, but their first names both started with a “Re-.” It wasn’t much of an issue, and more of a silly coincidence. “They’re not that close, but they have the same first syllable I guess.” Rena held his eyes closed for a moment. He scanned his thoughts for a good topic to [i]actually[/i] start the conversation with. He flashed his eyes back open and quickly shifted his weight onto his hip. “What do you guys think about our new home-away-from-home? I’m eager to see how it’ll all work. Do you think it’ll be gender-separated or will both sexes live together…?” Rena’s mouth grew into a devilish smirk. He glanced at Derrick, just to imply some things. It wasn’t like he was actually planning anything. Rena was more of a [i]follower[/i] than a [i]leader[/i] when it came to that sort of thing. Disregarding that train of thought, Rena turned to gaze at the homely bungalows that populated the majority of the clearing they stood in. The smell of paint lingered around the houses, almost symbolically. They either just built them or were trying to make them look as good as they could for the new recruits. They were one of the more interesting parts of the whole Ranger experience (at least, they were to Rena) and it was probably the one thing he wanted to learn about the most at the moment. Though, missions were more important, and their teams were more important than the mission. He turned back to face his new allies. Rena replaced his mischievous grin with a simple smile.