Took a while to throw this together, sorry. [hider=Kelvin Koga] [b]Name:[/b] Kelvin Koga “Shining Wall” [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=] [b]Personality: [/b] His serious personality comes on from his experiences in the world, as does his compassion for others. Outwardly he can be rough and abrasive, but that is rarely his intention. His candid personality just sometimes clashes with reality (really just the people in it). As a result, his jokes tend to fall flat in a conversation- people don’t know if they should take him serious or not, and his relative lack of facial expression doesn’t help much. Despite outward appearances he has a sense of loyalty strong enough to challenge the members of old, and a love for his guild members transcending family. [b]History:[/b] Kelvin was the fourth son in his family, and doomed to a life of poverty from his birth. It was no secret, the eldest son son would inherit the family land, the second eldest would inherit the family fortune, and the third eldest received a payed apprenticeship. This, combined with the care of his sisters, left Kelvin with little future, despite his parents care. There simply was little to go around, but it was expected that his eldest brother would hire Kelvin on as a servant when he was old enough. Upon turning fourteen Kelvin fled his family house, leaving three older brothers, two older sisters, and one younger sister behind. At this point his magic had already unveiled itself, however it was seen as little more than a spectacle. There were plenty of other mages out there with more powerful abilities, but Kelvin took advantage of those abilities. As poor as they were in an untrained state, they were more than enough to win his own spot in a private militia. Here he was introduced to martial arts, and learned of an upper level to his magic. Despite increased pay with skill, when Kelvin turned sixteen he went out into the world as a foolish mercenary, successful against all his foes, until his first engagement with another mage. That mage promptly defeated him with little trouble. His body ended up with the nearest mage capable of healing magical injuries- a mage of Fairy Tail. Kelvin spent half a year in Fairy Tail trying to pay back the mage until the offer came- Free of debt, in exchange for joining the guild. Now nineteen, he has spent his two years in Fairy Tail questing almost constantly, grabbing up any job that seemed in his ability. In some ways it made him an errand boy at first, doing mostly easy jobs no one else wanted. But the constant work spread his reputation and raised his skills. He is not the strongest in the guild, but mages outside of Fairy Tail would do well to avoid insulting him. [b]Magic:[/b] Primary Overview: Kinetic Magic Kinetic magic increases the speed and velocity of objects in motion, while in motion. This can be powerful, ranging from kicks that can literally launch opponents through a stone building and out the other side, to being as pathetic as a man able to give faster-than-average punches. It depends on the skill of the mage, as well as his power. The rule of kinetic energy is that an object must be already be in motion to be affected. Trying to increase the speed of an object that is not moving is pointless. It is just slightly less common than gravity magic. The magic is relatively easy to identify, as the magic circles are typically summoned in linked pairs, moving about eachother in some way. Strengths: -Ridiculous Speed: He ain’t no Jellal.... But damn. -Reflexes: As fast as he can mentally process, given time to build the speed. -Personal Endurance: His own velocity won’t hurt him as badly as it would another. Running into a wall at full speed for him is only as damaging as a regular person running into a wall at full speed. It can hurt a lot, but it doesn’t have the bug-on-a-windshield effect... Meaning there IS a chance of running through the wall. Weaknesses: -Ridiculous Speed: Once he gets going, slowing down is hard- a wrong move can literally send him flying because of all the built up inertia. -Slowing Magic: Not quite a bane, but building inertia is a lot slower when stuck in a sinking sand pit, surrounded by water, etc. It is still possible to build up to full speed, but it takes quite a bit more effort. -Exhaustion: Using this magic for extended periods of time does not just wear down on magical reserves, but bodily energy as well. Simply functioning at high speed takes a lot of energy. The effect is not prominent over a few hours of off and on usage, but a full day of random use would knock him out for a good twelve hours or more come nightfall. Spells: Kinetic Strength: 20/100 Two magic circles appear under the caster’s feet, rotating about eachother with just their edges touching. This is the most basic kinetic spell and allows the caster to accelerate their own bodies. This typically results in more impressive physical feats, like jumps, punches, etc. Velocity build up is limited to the distance the target travels however, and a regular punch or kick will only gain a slight increase. However... A round house kick would probably hurt quite a bit. Let alone the amount of speed trained martial artist like Kelvin may be able to build up. Kelvin has been clocked running at speeds around 50mph. (Cheetahs are around 43mph, human record is 27mph.) He has to have been running for a decent time to reach that speed however, and in spontaneous combat expect to see at most 15-20mph unless he has a chance to sprint more than a few steps. Kinetic Strike: 10/100 Two magic circles surround the caster’s targeted limb, spiraling around eachothers central point at speeds comparable to the casters own speed. Momentum is quickly built up to frightening speeds. The force of even throwing one of these punches into the air can cause the air to make a frightening cracking sound. If it hit a brick wall it likely would blow a hole in it big enough to walk through. (At the cost of some moderate bruising on his hand later.) Kelvin is an experienced martial artist, but it takes a firmer base to perform some techniques, techniques he cannot perform whilst moving as fast as his other abilities afford him. A Kinetic Strike is a punch, kick, elbow- or rather just a blow possible for Kelvin to perform only while his body is moving at a natural speed. He can perform it at a regular sprint, but with considerably less power. (As a note, punches of this sort are open palm sort.) Moving or standing still, this spell has the power to disrupt/cancel minor projectile spells, provided it makes direct contact with Kelvin’s accelerated limb. Kinetic Leap: 15/100 Two pairs of magic circles appear rotating around each ankle of the caster. With just a second or two of preparation expect to see a leap of ten or so, moving around 10mph. Of course, with enough time it would be more profitable to just jump while running at full speed using Kinetic Strength, but this works for emergencies. It tends to be a joke around guild mates because in order to build up the momentum in his legs, Kelvin has to go into a runners start on all fours and pump his legs to gain the speed. His strongest jump like this with a prep time of ten seconds took him only around twenty feet upward, despite cracking the ground slightly. Advanced Kinesis: 50/100 Over twenty pairs of magic circles cover Kelvins entire body. When using this it is essential for Kelvin to stand still, lest he fling himself through a wall by accidentally directing momentum. Kelvin Earned his nickname from this one spell. Kelvin uses a martial exercise that originally only required constant, fluid motion. Combined with Kinetic magic it allows him to move his body so fast that it blurs both him and the air for a foot outside of his reach. The speed allows him to distort energy from less-than-solid spells, dispersing it about himself. The weak areas of this however are the solid spell counterparts. Rock magic/Blade/Bullet magic, as well as other more substantial/focused types can cut through the distortion. However at the speeds Kelvin is going it needs to be more than a regular blade or arrow to pierce his defenses. As mentioned previously, it is dangerous to move at these speeds because of the uncontrollable energy release. Any careless motion by the caster could result in a human rocket. ***Notes*** The casting limits of Kelvin are shown next to the name of each spell. Each spell will require that much of the total per use, and in the case of extended use spells, per post. At the moment, Kelvin only regains his energy at a rate of 10/100 per post. (However, if there is a noticeable time skip, we will just resume his abilities back at 100/100) His regain per post and maximum may be subject to change, as per order/permission of the GM. Many of Kelvin’s abilities depend on his martial prowess, the quality of which may be affected by his frame of mind. Despite speed, Kelvin is only capable of thinking at human speeds, and his most powerful spells are only possible through muscle memory and practice. He is still learning new ways to use this magic. (Anything invented/learned in RP will be discussed through PM before added and/or used.) [b]Family / Relationships:[/b] He has family in southern Fiore, not quite rich, but no where near poor. They do well enough. It is irrelevant though, as far as his father is concerned, he is disowned. Kelvin’s brothers and sisters bear him no ill will however. Within the guild Kelvin tends to be a bit withdrawn, he hasn’t quite made himself at home yet. This may be due to the fact that until recently, it was rare to see him in the guild more than once or twice a month. And those times generally were about long enough to eat a meal and find another job. [b]Other:[/b] You could consider Kelvin as an ‘A’ class wizard, going on the traditional DCBAS scale. The result of the toll Kelvin’s magic takes on his body expresses itself positively as well as negatively. While not obscenely muscular, Kelvin formidably stronger than anyone you could randomly grab off the street. Some of his skills and hobbies are; dancing, cooking, writing, firestarting, climbing, [/hider]