With a final, satisfying bite, the slice of bread was gone. Nicole missed it already, but there wasn't much to be done about it, and there was no reason to mourn the loss of a slice of bread. So instead, she began to scan the street and alleyways below for anything that caught her eye. For the most part, it was quiet; some brawls in the alley, hookers standing around, druggies huddling together in a circle. There was nothing of real interest to Nicole; nothing to be stolen, nothing to eat. The relative lack of activity surprised her. Then again, you learn quickly in this town to stay inside at night. Clearly not a lesson Nicole's learned quite yet. But, to be fair, she was a small thief, whose goal was simply to survive. As long as she stayed under the radar with her activities, she would be okay. Theoretically. Anything could happen in this place. A door slammed from the street below, grabbing Nicole's attention. A hooker-looking woman emerged from the door, and she walked like she owned the city. It was entrancing, to say the least. Nicole hopped down from her rooftop seat onto the fire escape below, keeping an eye on the woman as she moved through the streets. Her choice in makeup was questionable, but when you lived on this side of the river that probably didn't really matter too much. Regardless, Nicole couldn't decide if she wanted to take this woman's money or touch the ponytail on the back of her head. Nicole maneuvered her way across the rooftops, carefully watching the woman. There was just something about this woman that screamed for Nicole's attention. But then Nicole paused. The last time she had found herself this enthralled by a person she had spent six months completely subservient to a man only wanted her around as a silent fucktoy. And the time before that she had been worked relentlessly day and night as a runner across the city, delivering packages to the shadiest of people until she nearly dropped dead. And the time before that... Nicole didn't need to go on. She knew of her submissive tendencies, and she knew she was helpless to stop them. For a moment she considered turning back around and leaving the enthralling woman in question to her evening of adventure, but one more glance at the woman in heels and Nicole was helpless. She sprinted across the rooftops once more, stopping about twenty feet in front of the woman. She climbed down onto the street and planted herself in front of the woman.