Basic bare bones of the RP as follows... Genre - Fantasy, Magic, Quest, Adventure, Action, Slice of Life, Drama, Comedy & Romance Post Size - Average from 3 to 6 paragraphs RP Size - Around 4 to 6 players Plot - Three warring countries (which make up the world we're in) all have a large shard (or gem/jewel) that brings life to their country. These shards were said to descend from Gods/Goddesses who forged them hundreds of years ago. These shards are protected by the King and Queen of each country. That is until a dark presence snuck in and shattered each country's shard which sent the entire world into chaos. Famine, disease, poverty and violence broke out and spread across every mountain range, field, and river. These countries were then given a message from the one who forged their shard, that it was now scattered across the world and in order to restore balance, fortune, and good health, the shard's pieces must be collected. Various people across the world had already come into contact with some the various shards from the countries and they've been bestowed great luck and power. As a whole a gem could at one point summon magic but now that it's been shattered and scattered, the power has weakened considerably but those who are lucky enough to find a bit of a shard, are finding that their lives are turning around. Can each country summon forth a group that can gather the right shards and restore balance to their country or will dark forces get in the way? We will be playing people who have been asked by their respective King and Queen to go forth and find as many shards as possible, each small duo or trio will soon meet up with those from their enemy countries and they will all have to travel together in order to help their personal goal of preservation. This will be a slice of life in the aspect of traveling on a quest and doing many side quest/plots. There will be magic, dragons, evil doers, villages in need of help, back stabbing, etc. That's as basic as I can make it. If someone is interested, let me know and hopefully we have a fun adventure across many lands and bodies of water. Ya dig?