Margo looked at him for another moment, then in the direction the car had gone. It brought up the question of whether others could see Astral or not. Had that been just a drunk jerk, or a person who honestly had no idea they almost hit someone? Her gaze again went to Astral, and she began to wonder if she was on some kind of drug, and if so how strong and how long would it last. She ran a hand through her hair. And yet, his reassurances made her take in a breath and slowly nod. As strange as all this was for her, Astral did have a somewhat calming effect on her nerves, and seeing him step closer to her and closer to safety only made her feel better. Nodding again, instead of saying any words, she turned to continue on their path to her apartment, which was then not very far at all. Her apartment was on the second level. It took Margo a couple extra seconds to climb the staircase up to the door, because of how dark it was and the lack of an actual light over the steps. Once at the top, she fished her key out and unlocked the door, realizing at the last second that she had forgotten to lock it in the first place. She stepped inside, then to the side to allow Astral to enter before closing the door. The apartment itself was very small, only one bedroom. The furniture consisted of an old sofa, recliner, and outdated television set. The tan carpet and parts of the walls held stains from past, unruly tenants. What few dishes Margo had were mostly on the kitchen counter and in the sink, waiting to be cleaned. But the place held a comfortable feel, and that's all that mattered to Margo. "Make yourself at home," she said while peeling off her hoodie and throwing it over the back of the old recliner.