[img=http://i742.photobucket.com/albums/xx61/xGabrielxArt/RP%20signs/DMC_zps301549ab.png] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZUN89RaP60 ]Devil's Never Cry, Angels Always Weep[/url] Sent from heaven above, Zacchaeus Angel of Purity has been given the mission of discovering what the rumors within the depraved city of Los-Sodos amount too. Normally this would not be a mission for such a angel, however the more the rumors spread the more hunters gather to the city, and with them more demons and supposed angels come to do combat that may lead to all out war on the human planet. This is no orangery incident with the demons that much is clear, so what sinister plot lay behind this depraved city? Will Zacchaeus be able to handle himself and hold back from punishing the sinful city, or for that matter the demonic being known as Miss Beatrix, who has come on the behalf of a employer to root out the cause of this sudden skirmish. Only time will tell, so let's rock!