Astral followed along, taking a cue from the girl and remaining silent for the rest of the journey. He looked up at the building that the girl resided in, silently admiring the size of the structure. As they ascended the stairs he stayed close, his eyes searching out into the darkness. His first impression of this place hadn't been very good, and the girl before him had seemed very fearful of many things in it. It led him to believe that it was not an overly safe place, he was not sure where or when to expect danger, so he simply readied himself for anything that may present itself at any time. As they entered a small room he looked around silently, still tense. It was only when she gave him permission to relax did he do so. It was a small place, compared to the size of the rest of the building, but it didn’t feel cramped, the space made him feel very at ease, comfortable. He could see he would be spending quite a bit of time here with this girl, so he decided he would take a small, calculated risk and ask her something on a more personal note. Astral was not the talkative kind, but there was something he would like to know. “If I may ask… what is your name?” He said suddenly, looking over to her with his strange eyes, one golden and one white looking at the girl. They seemed… strangely innocent, as if he really was oblivious to most of the secrets this world held. All he knew was her, and what she told him. “Who are you?” He then rephrased, repeating her question from earlier. A name was one thing, but he knew from personal experience it did not tell you who one was. He knew his name, but he did not know [i]who[/i] he was. And it was a strange feeling. But he could at least know who she was and it may hold some secret to who [i]he[/i] was.