Nathan fell quiet, there was nothing to say. Under normal circumstances, it would've been nice to see his friends again, but at the moment, he wanted nothing more than to be alone. "Long time no see, Arty" there were no sarcastic quips or cocky retorts. He had been rude, and maybe he had been an ass, but right then and there Nate couldn't have cared less. He turned his head to take a good look at Arty, it was clear that she hadn't been doing very well either. "Arty! Nate and I were just talking about the weather." Audrey hopped up from her seat and feigned a grin. She hadn't seen either of them in awhile and she really didn't want their first meeting to start off on the wrong foot. She missed them, and if weren't for the sobbing people and solemn atmosphere she would have pulled them both into a hug. The girl was dressed in a knee-length black dress and despite her fake smile, it was clear that she had been crying too. "So, two years? It feels longer than that." The girl motioned for Arty to take a seat beside them and scooted over towards Nate to make room. "Everything is so different," Audrey knew that if she didn't try to keep the mood light and happy she'd end up bawling, and she didn't want to do that, not now when the atmosphere already felt so heavy. "Of course things are different," Nathan couldn't stop himself, "Noah is dead." This time there was no venom in his voice, it was a simple statement and he regretted it the moment it left his mouth. Ever since he had received the news, he had been angrier, his temper would get out of control from time to time and he ended up saying things he didn't mean, ended up hurting those who tried to help. "You really think I don't know that?" Audrey's voice was nothing more than a squeak. Nathan's shoulders sagged and he buried his face in his hands. Treating his friends like this, it was wrong, and being angry did not justify his actions. He had enough sense to know that much. "I'm sorry," Nate ran a hand through his hair and squeezed his eyes shut. "Arty, Audrey, it really is good to see you again, I mean it." He let out a sigh before looking around. "Where's Matt?" "Noah's death hit him really hard," she had only seen him once since Noah's had died and he had been a completely different person. Audrey wanted so badly to try and get him to smile but she had been too shocked to do anything. Occasionally Ross would tell her about how Matt was doing, but lately he wasn't doing well. Then again, none of them were. It was hard to imagine a world without Noah Logan and it was hard to believe that their group of five had become a group of four. There was a gap that none of them would be able to fill and it hurt. "I wonder why he did it?" She hadn't planned to say it out loud, but it came out as a little more than a whisper. Her eyes flitted towards the white coffin and Audrey remembered the cheery ten-year-old from art class. The first day they met, she had been hesitant and shy but Noah's cheerfulness was contagious and before she knew it they were painting butterflies and crude circles. Noah became one of her closest friends and it was him who introduced her to Arty. Memories of lazy summer days flooded her memories. Back then, Arty, Noah and her would go biking around town then they'd stop for ice pops at Fruity Delights. Sleepovers, volunteering for animal shelters, meeting Nathan and Matt for the first time, all those memories came flooding back. "Hey Arty, Nate, remember that time in eight grade?" Nathan arched an eyebrow at Audrey's sudden question. "What are you taking about?" "That time we all snuck into an abandoned building on Halloween, the time Arty scared you to death." She was trying extra hard to make them smile. Nathan didn't seem to appreciate the reminder and instead closed his eyes. "Those were good times." Before more could be said, a priest made his way towards the podium and everyone was asked to rise in prayer.