Every time I think I’m going to have plenty of time to work on things… [i]Things[/i] come up. Anyhow I did actually manage to get some stuff done (and I’m hoping to get some more done before you wake up). I’ve uploaded the Irean General and Second Prince of Renais although I made some major edits to him than I originally talked about so I do hope it still works. Here’s a summary of what I had in mind. [hider=Summary]I know originally Frelia was going to house a second lord but I was having a lot of trouble with that. When I started writing the Prince’s information down I found it worked rather nicely. I was thinking I could have him stationed at a fort either near/in Frelia/Renais/Along Carcino and most of his early story could basically be him dealing with Southern Carcino’s choice to join in the conflict on Irea’s side—he’d also probably fight off some forces sent from other Irean locations and allies. What do you think? [/hider] Otherwise I’ll mention that while I’m catching up on character sheets I am still more than a little behind on character images. I basically have [i]Ismaire[/i] done—at least in the basic sketch. I still need to upload her, touch her up and colour her. I had to change her hair a little but I left it as close to the original as I could, however, I did change her clothing/armour [i]a lot[/i] as I tried to blend that picture with anime [i]and[/i] myrmidon style dress. And don’t feel bad if I show you the picture and you don’t want to use it (either because you don’t like it or because it isn’t even close to what you had in mind). [i]About Princess Alessa:[/i] Firstly, if you’d like I could draw those clothes on a different character—although I’m going to try and finish some of mine first. Secondly it’d be nice if you lowered her age a little. [16-17 like you previously said would be preferred]. As I was planning on making her [i]older[/i] brother and King Vendrick is 35. [i]35-19=16 as is.[/i] Or if you’re really set on having her that age I can make him her younger brother. Aging the King up is also, technically, possible. [u]Added[/u] Mona was written to 'join' Lance's party as an early healer. Also I imagine all my "image pending" quotes are a bit annoying, so I apologize. I'm probably going to look for at least decent reference pictures for some of them, at least until I have caught up on some of the others' pictures. P.S. As a brief fore-warning if I randomly stop replying for more than two days it’s probably because my computer/internet has finally refused to work. P.P.S If you ever have any English-language questions I'd be more than happy to try and help. ^^