I don't see the point in playing multiverse when I'm playing as a Battlestar when the enemy have seen Battlestars before. It removes all the uniqueness. The whole point as far as I saw it of doing a mutliverse was that we were the oddities, ships that the enemy had never seen before. We turn up and the enemy are like "Woah, who are these guys? What are these guys?" Multiple Universes in a Multiverse roleplay is just asking for some serious wank, complicated stuff and just asking to piss some people off as far as I see it. Also it isn't [i]ruined[/i]. If it was going to ruin anything you didn't have to post it in the OOC you could have PM'd me as I will probably have some influence when it comes to the BSG side of things as I've spent a lot of time on the re-imagined series the spin offs, movies and the Wikia and I think most sci-fi folk have noticed that it is pretty barren of life and resources compared to most other sci fis. Can I just point out however that before Raidne edited it in the first post Colonial ships were launching from the Tower, if it was so devoid of life so not worth multiple takings why would they have bothered going to the part where they have colonial ships. Why would they even waste the time with Colonial ships when they can just throw Star Trek ships at people? Why do they even use ships form home galaxies? Why not just make their own using the best of every technology. Adapt to their situations. Though I hear why they are using home galaxy ships is something to do with plot and I have guessed what [i]part[/i] of it is. So I'll leave that one be. Also you don't need to have them invaded the BSG universe before to know it is barren, they could always invade it later and then give up. Gives a reason to spend only a short time in a certain Galaxy doesn't it?