Alexander read through the informational text with characteristic speed and attention to detail. If he forgot anything, there was always a 'Help' button or something of the sort he could use, and he didn't doubt that experience in this game would eventually make him able to recall what he needed by memory. Not that there wasn't interesting stuff, but he had his own priorities at the moment. Then, to guns. This was, to be honest, the first time Alexander had ever held a gun full stop, but it didn't feel too bad, and technically it didn't count since it was a video game. He listened attentively to the voice explaining the weapon, a bit of thrill to hear it was something like a laser gun meant for accuracy and such. Now, accuracy could be an issue, but he'd give it his best shot. Deep breathes, and once the voice had ended he thumbed off the safety for the weapon, pointing it down range. He was impressed by the bullet sight as it were, telling him where the shot would hit. Now that was useful. Lock on, and fire. A laser spat out and winged the target downrange, though not a direct, lethal hit. He grumbled to himself but moved on, from pistols to shotguns to rifles, each different and with their own benefit and negatives. Eventually he settled on man's favorite toy, probably as a result of watching too many Michael Bay films. Explosives. It was just too easy to use them. Heck, aiming was practically optional as long as you hit somewhere near them. Grenades, RPG's, all the better.And he got to cackle evilly as explosions tore apart the targets. Sadly he had to leave the guns behind, to move onto the landscape displays and such. He had to admire whoever did the graphics in this game once again. For being dark and gritty, they looked beautiful from a distance. Now then, on to see what came next.