[quote=Assallya] Oh, you never mentioned that, only that you didn't want your particular recursion conquered.We can go that route but it severely limits your ability to function. You'd have no ability to enter any conquered territory. You'd be marginalized, forced to stay on the outer rim forever. The key to being a successful rebel is to hide in plain sight, using guile to get close to your enemies so you can deal them hurt where they are most vulnerable. You are, after all, outnumbered several thousand to one.So long as there is a minimal number of ships belonging to some variant of your own dimension there is room to finagle IFF, spoof sensors or just bluff your way aroundF [/quote] Besides, if they've taken over the Colonials before it is likely one where the Columbia didn't get dragged out off their galaxy before Raptors Talon and was destroyed. Sure I can maybe change my transponder but I can't really get close. It is kind of hard to change the BSG-14 mark on the hull in the Colonial logo and the hangers, not to mention the fact it says Columbia on the flight pods :P