[b]Name:[/b] Carlos Diaz "Iceman" [b]Age:[/b] 34 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Sexuality:[/b] Heterosexual [b]Race:[/b] Chilean-American [b]Position:[/b] Hitman for the TI-32 gang [b]Personality:[/b] Despite his line of work Carlos is a very respectful, calm and open-minded person. At the same time, when the gang orders him to eliminate someone, Carlos becomes a ruthless killer that shoots first and asks questions later. He is a gentleman when it comes to women and has the charm that all latin-americans do. Carlos has proven to be able to maintain his calm even under the most stressfull situations, which is why he earned the nickname Iceman. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://s6.postimg.org/h86mafbb5/Marko_Zaror.jpg] [b]History:[/b] Carlos was born in Calson City. His parents were chilean imigrants that came to the Unites States from Santiago, the capital of Chile. With his father a chef and his mother a teacher, Carlos and his family lived a fairly decent life. He was fascinated by fighting ever since an early age and as a teenager he took mixed martial arts lessons, feeding that passion. After going through high school and university, Carlos found work as a bodyguard, working for celebrities, rich people, politicians and others that could afford protection. After 6 years in the bodyguard business, Carlos became a favorite, many requesting his services. At the age of 27, disaster struck in Carlos's life after the people he was protecting at the time, some rich guy and his wife, were killed by some unknown attackers in a car. Carlos himself was injured at his left leg and spent a couple of days in the hospital. After that incident no one wanted to hire him anymore, although it wasn't really his fault that those people died. Carlos started looking for work anywhere but he was unsuccessfull. Like those things weren't bad enough he also lost his apartment because he couldn't afford paying taxes anymore. Desperately wanting money, Carlos made a deal with a drug dealer and agreed to sell drugs for the guy in exchange for money. However that lasted only 3 months because afterwards the dealer was caught by the police, and although Carlos managed to avoid the authorities for 2 weeks he was arrested as well. He as sentenced to 5 years in jail plus a fine. During the time spent in jail, Carlos lost his parents. After getting out of prison Carlos found himself with nothing and nobody to rely on. He had to restart his life, do everything all over again. He moved in the slums, where he lives in one of the crappy apartments he found there. He also found work as a hitman for the TI-32 gang. Of course he had to prove himself first, which Carlos did very well. [b]Other:[/b] - Trained in mixed martial arts; - Speaks perfect english, with his latin accent barely noticeable; - Plays the guitar very well; - Loves cats and seeks to own one; - Carlos is a huge NASCAR fan and never misses a race.