You don't want a horde of aloof princesses running around? I think that would be funny. XD I'm assuming by the 'joining really young' statement she joined the troop at ~12? If she's going to have been that young the Captain definitely could have helped her hone her sword talent, if you want to include that in history. I'm glad our discussion has helped to define your character. I've always liked it best when my characters further their development that way. Anyway in that case I’m going to write up a summary of the mercenary group as well as my three characters within it. And yes, the newbie is going to be the target for all of the teasing until a new newbie comes along. Although I think the Captain might also tease [i]her[/i] a little for no longer being the newbie. You might also want to come up with a pseudonym for her, considering the name [i]Ismaire[/i] is a rather noticeable hint to who she is. And two more questions— Is your knight-mercenary going to be male or female? Do you want Ismaire to be smiling or not in her portrait?