[i]Tyraxor Craghack, an outlandish slender man raised on the tumultuous currents of the sea. He knows no home port. Rumors around the local pub would lead some to believe that he was born of the sea, a manifestation of god himself. Of course, the only thing true about his relationship with the sea is that it was the sea that made him. As the tale goes, the young lad found a spot in the crow’s nest amongst the crew of the Tempest’s Edge serving under a most feared pirate captain. Perhaps only a few mortal men know how he ended up on the ship of Bertrand “the Gargantuan” Grimli. Fewer still will ever hear it out of Tyraxor’s own lips. It is said that on one stormy night, the ship held steadfast as the mighty waves crashed over the bow and a dense fog enshrouded the sails. Beneath the veil that enshrouded the ship, while the pirates managed the riggings and lashed the cannons a shadow scaled the stern and wandered into the captain’s quarters. After the storm had passed, Captain Grimli sought refuge in his cabin. It would be the last anyone had ever seen of him. Some say he was swallowed by the sea. Others think it was mutiny. But the only thing anyone can say for sure is that Captain Craghack would come to stand at the helm and take the wheel. Captain Craghack was known for two things, his fiery red beard and his brutal domination of the sea. From England and Africa to the new world, Captain Craghack ravaged the coast without discrimination. Little concern did he have for the well-being of others when fame and fortune were involved. Survival meant not only taming the unpredictable chaos of the sea but also learning how to outmaneuver enemy ships. While perhaps he was not the first, Firebeard was known to fly the flags of his enemies. More often than not, the enemy ship was boarded before they even realized it was too late. Of course, not even the swashbuckling pirate can avoid fate forever or in this case, a small horde of mercenaries looking to make quite a bit of coin. The Tempest’s Edge was lost at sea, sunk off the coast of the local village. After that infamous day no on was sure what happened to old Tyraxor Craghack. Most would say he went down with his ship as a great captain should. Some say he is not dead at all but undead, cursed to haunt the seas he terrorized, looking for a ship to call his own. But other say still that Tyraxor Craghack is still very much alive, haunting the taverns of the local village in a constant state of inebriation. One thing is for sure, even if the ‘morrow is barren of promises, nothing shall forestall his return.[/i] [b]Name:[/b] Tyraxor Craghack [b]Nicknames/Titles:[/b] (Not required) Cap’n Firebeard, Firebeard [b]Age:[/b] 26 years [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Allegiance:[/b] Pirate [b]Allegiance Faction:[/b] Tyraxor holds allegiance to no one other than himself despite how he may sail under another's flag. [b]Role:[/b] Previously a Captain, currently a mercenary pirate for hire. [b]Personality:[/b] Tyraxor “Firebeard” Craghack is a malefactor. He does whatever he can get away with. Craghack is out for himself, pure and simple. He sheds no tears for those he kills, whether for profit, sport, or convenience. Tyraxor has no love for order and holds no illusions that following laws, traditions, or codes would make him any better or nobler. On the other hand, he does not have the restless nature or love of conflict that a chaotic villain has. Craghack is still very much a pirate, who robs and murders to get what he wants. He is not pious. If Tyraxor worshipped any greater power it would be the ocean as an entity. However, as most men in his company throughout his life have believed in the lord, he cannot help but be influenced to a certain extent. Craghack has come to believe that everything is interconnected and cyclical. He acknowledges change but holds true to his essential nature. Tyraxor does not try to be what he is not but excels at what he is and carries his message of personal excellence to the world. He is flexible but not unreasonable. Craghack fully believes that the mysteries of life are to be enjoyed and puzzled over, but realizes that some answers do not come in this world, but rather the next. Of course, he may know this first hand. Most importantly he realizes that the cycles of life are mirrored by the circles of fate. Tyraxor is prepared to, but perhaps he has already paid the price and reaped the rewards for the actions of his past and future. [b]Enhanced Ability:[/b] As a pirate, Tyraxor hosts no particular enhanced ability. However, the pirate does have perhaps a reputation that provides for most to see him in a most alarming not. As he has not gone down with his ship but that of a stolen from another pirate, the ship once belonging to Captain Bertrand “the gargantuan” Grimli, the good lord has spared his life. With that being said, the rumors of Tyraxor's existence is that he is in fact not living but a member of living dead. Strangely enough, Firebeard has been known to regular evade the clutches of death time and time again whether by skill or dumb luck further perpetuating the concept that he lives a life in an undead state. [b]Biography:[/b] The history of Tyraxor Craghack’s life is shrouded in mystery and mottled with inaccuracies and embellishments. Many jokes that not even Craghack himself is sure of what is true about his life. However, as the story goes this fear pirate is the child of sailing merchants. As far as the truth goes the only thing one can be sure of was that he was born on the sea. Before he reached the age of ten, Tyraxor would find a place behind Captain Bertrand the Gargantuan aboard the Tempest’s Edge. He would survive by his own wits and the advice of those pirates who would care to share. Bertrand would come to take up the role of his father, and his mother the sea. As for any legitimate accounts of his family history, they were probably sunken alongside his parents by the hands of Captain Grimli. [b]Likes:[/b] Coin, Rum, and Wenches. [b]Dislikes:[/b] Cowards, the Proper Authorities, Sobriety [b]Family:[/b] Tyraxor hails from a family of merchants that traveled the coastal waters of many continents gathering goods to sell for profit. [b]Weapons:[/b] A set of four flintlock pistols, a rapier and a dagger. [b]Miscellaneous (Appearance):[/b] Tyraxor is but a simple man, a shell of his former self. But his most abhorrent feature that of which provides his namesake is the hair that covers his face. A lush beard of a brazen reddish-orange, dangling beneath his jawline in three thick braids. Each braid ended with a warping of dingy white cloth and tied to a small loop of gold. His jawline is broad and square, with a silver-tongue and yellow teeth hidden behind the slender lips of a great maw. A round, bulbous nose crooked to one side centers his face between acne scarred cheeks. On either side of his head, Craghack’s ears are pierced many times with loops of silver and gold. Beneath two bushy eyebrows, Firebeard stares deep into a person’s soul with unsavory yellow eyes. He bears no hat upon his head, an oddity for most pirates. Instead, his head is shaved on either side with a single, braided strand of thick hair that runs down the center of his scale ending just between his shoulder blades. His garb is as simple as it is dirty. Hard soled leather boots climb up his legs meeting blood stained leather breeches half-way between the ankle and knee. His chest is covered by a dingy button up shirt that at one point may have been white. Tyraxor protects his body with a suit of studded leather armor. The armor is made from tough but flexible leather reinforced with close-set metal rivets. However, it is not one solid suit but consists of a cuirass, a set of bracers, greaves, and separate pieces to protect the other thighs and biceps but still leaving him flexible and agile. All of this is hidden more often than not. Draped over his slender frame is a full length tattered pea coat as dark as the moonless sky. Of course, Tyraxor is not without any form of real protection. Across his chest are two leather holster, home to two flintlock pistol with an ivory stock covered in a mundane ebony design with a barrel composed of hardened iron. Two more can be found in holsters on his belt. On a sturdy leather belt wrapped around his waist are two blades. First, about the small of his back is a parrying dagger which is something of a necessary component in any swashbuckler’s arsenal of weapons. But Craghack’s most deadly weapon is the basket hilted rapier dangling on his hip, situated for the perfect cross draw attack upon withdrawal. [B]Miscellaneous (Other):[/B] Tyraxor remembers nothing of his life before the Tempest Edge was scuttled as if born when his body washed up on the shore of the local village.