Randal nodded. "It's not a problem Ma'am." The siren has vanished now. He waited for Natasha to lock her car up, and then opened the passenger's side door of his truck for her and waited for her to climb in, before climbing in himself. As the truck came to life, the radio broke into the middle of a Hank WIlliams Jr. tune. Randal did not turn it off, but did turn it down in deference to the woman's city ears. He kept to nearer the speed limit now, as stones spat against bottom of his truck like hail. Around them, to the East and West, stretched cultivated fields in full bloom. They created a dark corridor which the truck sped through. "So, what brings you to Alabama ma'am." He wasn't exactly prying, but his curiosity was peeked. She certainly did not fit the stereotype of women around her. Her accent curled his toes a bit and made him wonder if she had a boyfriend back home. He still had not gotten a proper look at her in adequate lighting, but he was aware of her physical presence. The one street town was ten miles away, down past the mill. As they neared town, the road improved a bit. He knew that the town itself was properly paved and they would hit that street soon enough. He felt somewhat embarrassed by his little town, as seen through her eyes, though he would have defended it to his death. University had been an eye opener, after a lifetime spent in his home town, and he was aware now, in a way that he had not been before, how very small it really was.