[Kathar - The Winking Dragon Inn >> Kathar - The Rusty Brewer] Jonah stood there for a moment taking in the news of the Empress death knowing that they had failed, the old man had stopped his banter and he saw Nerom stand and peer over at Jonah. Nerom nodded at Jonah before he left hastily out the front door, Jonah stood for a moment in the stunned crowd assessing the situation. The curfew would start soon and the Empress had told him and Nerom both that she had something for them to do if she were to die, Jonah began to move silently out the back door of the, "Rats Tail" bar. He could pick out people quickly moving to their houses as the curfew was about to enact anytime now, he left his illusion behind and proceeded in his normal form his dark leather armor bound in belts. He pulled his dark grey bandanna over his scarred face so only his eyes and soft white hair showed in the brisk breeze. Jonah pulled out a tightly rolled parchement with a blue ribbon tyed through the center and tore the blue ribbon free of its package, he knew not why him and his fellow assassin Nerom were chosen for the Empresses final request for they were men of murder and deceit. He read over the parchment absorbing the information before he continued down the alley way, he heard a ruckus in the streets in front of him sounding like guard yelling he quickened his pace. He would prefer at the moment to not be caught by the guards, not for his worry but for the guards who would never see the light of day after seeing Jonah. Jonah turned into an even smaller alley then the one that he was walking much more crowded with trash then the previous one, he kept his eyes peeled for guards then he began hearing foot steps moving towards him. He continued walking not looking behind himt o give away he had heard a pursuer instead he used the window pane of a building that he was passing that was angled to reflect what was behind him. It was three guards crossbows loaded and ready to strike down their foes. He knew they could see the back of him which he didn't mind them seeing it was his face and eyes he cared about that no man had seen and lived to tell about, he heard the bells of a church toll four times the guards looked up in the air distracted for a moment. Jonah didn't hesitate before he dipped his index finger into a pouch at his thigh and removed three white balls the size of marbles, he twisted catlike and threw the white balls at the guards as they were distracted. The white balls exploded into blinding white light that Jonah was immune to, he then proceeded to juking to his right down another alley towards the church that bells had just rang. He could now hear the guards behind him yelling and the sound of more guards ringing there hand bells signaling someone was on the run, Jonah smiled beneath his bandanna having been in innumerable amount of chases like this before. Having not got his nickname Ghost for no reason. He mumbled silvery words under his breath, a spell he used that would give him a burst of speed. He ran like lightning twisting and turning through alleyway avoiding the sounds of the hand bells the guards were ringing. Finally he could see the church and knew the pub that was the meet up location was near, but the only problem was that there were at least twenty guards stalking about in the square infront of the church. Jonah analyzed his predicament knowing he could simply kill all twenty of the guards but he was far to close to his destination it would bring attention to the pub. Jonah sighed before he again mumbled his ancient language, his skin seemed to crawl like millions of ants as the magic went into effect. He suddenly looked like a guard as armor broke the surface and concealed his regular appearance, they would find it suspicious if I come out looking like a guard I should be fine. In his left hand he held a handful of black and white marbles which were smoke and flash bombs. He walked out into the square, the guards ignored him as he walked towards the front of the pub that was within reach. He tossed the handful of bombs over his right shoulder all around the opposing guards, he could hear yells of surprise as the explosions of the bombs went off stunning and blinding them. He reshaped back to normal as he proceeded into the pub. Jonah spoke to the barmen of rusty brewer who had come to talk to on different times before hand on other matters, he had tipped Jonah multiple times to different targets he was to kill. The man smiled a small smile before directing him to the room upstairs on the left at the top, Jonah ignored his smile not caring for kindness for the day was dark and smelling of blood. Jonah hastily moved up the stair case listening carefully hearing a women voice at the top of the stairs coming from the room the bar man had directed him to. Jonah thought to himself for a second he could change shape and go into the room but then of course Nerom was most likely already in there and if he was in there then there was nothing to worry about. He lowered his bandanna showing the scars that crossed his jaws over his lips and jagged up the bridge of his nose. Besides if they turned out to be foes and revealed his face to the guard he could always kill them at a later point. Jonah reached the top of the stairs and pushed the door to his destination open, three people were inside the room, one he knew Nerom a dark skinned Dark elf a fellow assassin. One was a hooded man that he assumed was Lukas who sat in a dark corner of the room a candle was lit nearby by on the table next to the hooded man it barely glowing giving nothing away for Jonah of the man before him. Finally a woman sat in a chair not to far from Nerom, her hair was fire but he could not see her face for it was staring down at a staff the she had clasped in her hands. Jonah moved into the chair between the two of him exchanging a look of acknowledgement to Nerom who sat quietly to his left, "I have arrived." He said in a quiet voice to the hooded man who seemed to nod from under his hood. He waited quietly for what would happen next not knowing what would be that event.