Kero Boris stood in front of a large foreboding iron door, which practically [i]screamed[/i] 'KEEP OUT', yet oddly enough said 'Welcome, One and All, to the Solar Kingdom'. It was... quite perplexing, but then again, if the rumors about the head of this establishment were true... perplexing was the norm. Banging on the door three times, it took about two seconds for a slot to slide open and two eyes peered out at him "What is it? Who are you? What do you want?" the eyes asked rapidly, not letting Boris answer until it was done. "It's me. Kero Boris. Here to pick up my order" he said, in a irate tone. As a man on a strict schedule, he had no time to deal with these morons. "Ah... Mr. Kero. You bring money?" the eyes asked in a pleasant tone that was clearly a threat. Wasting no time, Boris handed over a wad of cash, at which point the doors instantly opened, allowing him access into a lawless nuthouse. Behind the doors were two very large men, easily 10 feet tall, who were pushing the doors shut. Both were dressed the same. Red bandanas with the letters B.E. adorned the top of their heads, while there bottoms were clothed in a dark pants. They were shirtless except for a large black vest, unbuttoned like thugs, that had a large silver Gatling gun crisscrossing a silver claymore. "Come Mr. Kero. Please follow me. You order is ready, fufufufufu" A rat-like little fellow with a face like a weasel, appropriately named Weasel, was right at Boris' side instantly, ready to escort him. He was dressed like the guards, but his vest had a simple rapier crossing a revolver, indicating some kind of ranking Boris didn't care about. Directing him through the fort, Boris was disgusted by the filth that ran rampant through this place. He expected much more from a smithy of this much prestige. There were men and women doing whatever they pleased with whoever they pleased everywhere. Gambling, drinking, smoking odd things, and other debauchery. Boris just wanted to get his guns and get out of here. In what felt like an eternity, Weasel and Boris finally reached the forge. But what he saw did not please him at all. "What the hell is this?" he demanded, picking up the one rifle that was next to his name "I ordered two rifles! Not one." Weasel merely chuckled "Fufufufu... indeed you did, good sir. But you only paid up for one. We tried to tell you, but you were in such a hurry to leave this... what did you call it? A cesspool of filth?" he said, grin nearly splitting his face "I assure you, though. This one rifle will be more than adequate". By now, Boris was red in the face, and not from the sun "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!" he roared, throwing the gun to the floor "I PAID YOU THREE TIMES THE NORMAL AMOUNT!!". Carefully picking up the rifle, Weasel's grin remained "Indeed. Three times the normal amount for a single rifle. I suggest you take it. The Boss was willing to craft you this, even after you insulted us. Be grate-" "NO! I demand to see your Boss! Take me to this Dani, and I shall negotiate a new price" Boris declared, pulling a revolver on the word "negotiate". Smile never leaving his face, Weasel, just sighed and shook his head "Alright, if you insist. This way, please" he said, and turned towards the rear of the fort. Following his lead, Boris' glare never left their destination. A large tower that was always basked in sunlight (That might be an alteration from the game). In no time at all, the two were standing in front of another large door, this one made from wood and intricately carved. Standing outside were two more guards, but both seemed to be under the affects of alcohol. Opening the door, Weasel lead Boris in. The first thought that ran through his head was that this room was damn dark for always being in the sun. Indeed, the bed was covered in shadow, to the point were he couldn't even see the outline of the man that ran this place. But could tell from the shuffling that he was there. "Boss Dani. We appear to have another unsatisfied cus-" "Can it, you piece of shit!" Boris cut off Weasel and took a step forward "Now listen up. I paid you and your gang here, three times the amount I could pay anywhere else, and all I got was one measly rifle! ONE! I paid for two. So I demand two-no. Make it three for wasting my time! Even though I'm sure they're shitty as hell!" he shouted, pointing his gun at the outline he could barely make out now that his eyes started adjusting. Feeling a yanking on his sleeve, he looked over at Weasel "Please, sir. The Boss has a hangover. Could you please not shout. Also, the Boss is a little grumpy when woken up, so it would do you well not to agitate he-" "I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!!" Boris cut in again, this time pointing his pistol at Weasel "Now get your filthy hands off me before-" And a shot rang out in the dark. His revolver clattering to the ground, Boris screamed as he clutched his hand where there was now a huge smoking hole. "Alright, Fucker, here's what gonna happen" came a voice from the bed. A... woman's voice? "Oop, now you done it" Weasel chuckled, slowing backing away. Looking back to the bed, Boris saw the distinct feminine outline crawl out of bed and move towards him and into the light. "Choice A. You can die for threatening one of my men. Choice B. You can die for insulting us. Choice C. You can die for insulting my work. Or Choice D. You can die for being a dick" the voice listed off the final choice as it's owner stepped into the light. A young woman of about 20-ish, a great tan, and wearing nothing but a bikini. Boris would've found her very attractive if not for two things. The scars riddling her body... and the smile she currently wore. It promised pain. "Um... Mistress. You forgot the choice where he doesn't die" Weasel spoke up. "Huh? Oh, yeah. Choice... what is it? F? D? No, I said D. Ah, fuck it. Choice Pussy. You leave all your money, the beautiful rifle I crafted for you, and you leave with your head still attached. Both of them. I would say your dignity too, but it smells like your leaving that on my floor right now. Also, tell anyone I'm a girl... and well, use your imagination. Just know, it involves pain. Lots and lots of pain. Now choose..." Boris couldn't get out fast enough, the entire gang's mad laughter following him out as he took one last look at the playful foreboding sign above the doors 'WELCOME... TO BLOODY EVOLUTION'...