[center]Akuma began walking through the forest, [b]"where am I?"[/b] She asked herself. She stopped midway and looked down at her clothes. [b]"Wait a minute. This is the same clothes I wore to go to the cafe...That means.. I didn't go home."[/b] She rubbed her chin, [b]"someone kidnapped me!?"[/b] Her tiny body shook as she started to wonder what to do when night comes. [b]"First I need to get some wood."[/b] Akuma began walking, this time a bit paranoid about everything. She stared at the trees and sighed. She was minding her own business when she saw a young boy on the grass. [b]"Ah!"[/b] Akuma yelled rushing towards him, shaking him. [b]"Please don't be dead."[/b][/center]