Characters: [hider=Lucas Jackson - EpicHiro]Name: Lucas Jackson Age: 15 Appearance: aaargh I told myself I wouldn't do this but I'm not in the descriptive mood right now ;p [img=] Strongest PSI Power: Levitation (he's fast and can jump high etcetera) Other PSI Powers: PSI Blast, Shield Personality: Lucas is a smart individual, but tends to put his foot in it too much. He's not the most social of people (mostly because he always messes things up) but when it comes to it, he is quite competitive, especially at races (on foot or levitating). He tries to hide his emotions (aside from laughter, which he cannot help but let loose), however occasionally bursts out in anger. History: Lucas Jackson on the 11th of July 1998 into a family of bakers. He became aware of his psychic abilities (but didn't truly understand them) at the age of ten; he had been climbing the tallest tree in the neighbourhood to show everyone he was better than the school bully, Laurence, when he fell out from a height that would shatter his legs had he not created the levitation bubble in time. Years later, at the age of fourteen he was being tormented by Laurence yet again for "being a freak" and he cursed at Laurence. He didn't take it and went to punch Lucas, although Luke was quick to respond and uncontrollably thought a mental shield around himself, breaking Laurence's knuckles and fracturing his wrist. The day after, Luke received a pamphlet through the mail addressed directly to him - he didn't hesitate to apply. Extra: Luke is an avid, adept runner; while he isn't the fastest, he packs a punch when it comes to stamina. He can sprint fairly well but tends to trip over, which is why he sticks to his mental levitation. P.S. not the best character I've made, I know, but meh... [/hider]