I felt like I needed to bring this up. [quote=Metronome] He pulled his phone out and checked the time: 8:00 PM. [/quote] [quote=HellGirl13] Considering it's night, no surprise. No-one is out at night.[/quote] [quote=Embrz] taking a bite from the bread. Food for the day, she thought, taking another bite. [/quote] [quote=Sixx] It was time for an evening adventure [/quote] [quote=Amestris] . It was only five and she was still severely pissed. [/quote] [quote=The Incredible John] "It's too goddamn early in the morning for this shit." John muttered to himself [/quote] Now as the GM put that it was 8pm I am going to guess that that is the actual time, or at least around that. If so some of these wouldn't make any sense... Are we working on different timelines?