Kalok stood in the summoning chamber and raised his hand into the air, calling forth a small portal through which five more imps hopped, cheering as they saw their master. Then Kalok watched as his new orcs were created. When born, they would know nothing but his domination, his power... They would know nothing but war. There would be no 'good' Orcs, for all they would know is 'evil'. The four new Orcs peered around the dark chamber, then their eyes fell to rest on Kalok. They approached him slowly and as they did Kalok turned and went to the forge. The Orcs followed behind, their first dull steps through the world, the small group came to a halt in the Forge, where the first Orc had been working, Kalok spoke up "Orc, have you finished the Equipment." The Orc slowly rose up, holding a new blade, and gave a small nod to Kalok as he gestured with it to a table line of equipment. He passed the new blade to Kalok who examined it. It was crude looking and certainly ugly, with it's dull metal colour and odd design. Half of it was serrated with a larger spike protruding from the top, while the other side was merely a sharpened smooth edged blade. The guard was two spikes, clearly designed to double as a weapon if needed, and the pommel was a simple sphere which was certainly heavy, almost as though it was designed for usage on someones head. It had a brutal simplicity to it, and at first Kalok felt disappointed as he handed it back to the Orc, who turned to the practice dummy, and approached it, before swinging the swords smooth edge... and to Kaloks surprise it cut through the dummy like it was nothing. The head of the dummy fell to the floor, the tightly packed sand spilling out from within. Turning the blade to it's serrated edge, he swung it again at the dummy's chest and as it impacted, it travelled partway through the target before stopping. The Orc gave it a tough yank and pulled it to the side, the single blade that came from the top slicing through the remainder of the dummy and thus splitting the target in two. Kalok shrugged, maybe it would have a harder time against the humans. He merely nodded, and the five Orcs moved across to the table, donning their armour and their weapons, the crude Orcish swords and bows giving a somewhat deceptive image of them being a poor fighting force. The shield was a similar crude weapon, made of the same dull metal with two spikes coming from the bottom which appeared to be designed to allow the shield to become a stabbing weapon, and a series of small spikes coming off the shield pointing forwards that appeared to have been soldered on afterwards and designed for a deadly shield bash. Kalok took a step forwards, speaking as they suited up "In the shadow of this volcano lies a small village of just over 50 humans. I need some of them alive to work the fields... You are to kill the old and weak, but the young and fit must survive, including the children. They are mostly unarmoured... and if you cannot handle some angry farmers then what did I create you for? Go prove your worth!" The Orcs let out a roar of agreement, then turned and charged out of the forge, all following the 'First Orc', the only one right now who actually knew his way around the caverns... The sun was setting over the volcano behind them and Kia was sitting on the bench over looking the sea with her young grandson, Arn. She spoke to him and he clung on her every word, as she told him the wondrous stories of pirates and soldiers and treasure and great monsters that she told him so often and yet he never grew tired of. Little did the two realise the monsters were closer than they knew. Kia finished the story and slowly began to stand as the wide eyed Arn looked out over the dazzling sea as the moon drifted into view "I'm going to catch pirates one day, Captain Black wouldn't get away from me Grandma!" Arn said as he looked up to Kia "I'm not afraid of his monster." Kia chuckled slightly "I dare say you will, but all good pirate catchers get to bed on time..." She said as she turned to walk away, moving slowly along the ground. Arn stood his ground "No they don't. All good pirate catchers stay awake all night to watch for the pirates." He whined, in a similar fashion he did every night, Kia turned her head back to him "But if the pirate catchers stay awake all night, they'll be too tired to catch the pirates" She gestured for him to come "Come on now, before your mother gets worried" She said, turning her body to face him and folding her arms. But at the moonlight caught the boys face, she could see he was staring with wide, fearful eyes and a face as white as wool. "G...Grandma... there's a monster..." He stuttered slowly, and Kia paused, for the first time her old ears picking up a heavy breathing behind her. She turned her head slowly, until she came face to face with the hideous face of the First Orc. Her eyes went wide and she froze on the spot as the Orc let out a deafening roar, before raising it's sword into the air and bringing it down, cleaving her head from her shoulders. Arn let out a scream and rushed past the Orc towards the village, screaming "Monster! Monster!" As he went, but came to a sickening sight in the village. Villagers screamed as they ran around, some trying to fight but being quickly cut down by the superior Orcs. Arn turned to run but saw the First Orc bolting up behind him, and thus turned and ran deeper into the village. The First Orc was faster than him, and was upon him within seconds, but the monster didn't attack him, merely followed behind him, roaring and brandishing it's sword. Slowly, all the villagers were herded into the center, the remaining 35 of them. Kalok himself came down from the mountain now, hobbling into the village and looking around the villagers scared faces, before smiling and offering his proposition, essentially enslaving them... With no other choice but death, they accepted his offer. And with that Kalok had farmland to feed his armies with and the human slaves to work it. There was another village on the island, larger than this and with a port... but also better defended. He would spawn more Imps and Orcs before attempting to steal that one. After a quick exchange with the Orcs and villagers, he turned and proceeded back to the dormant volcano, descending into the darkness once more and finding his way back through to the heart [hider=Status] Infrastructure: A barracks, two rusty steel cages, the dungeon heart, Summoning Chamber, Forge Minions: 15 Imps, 45 Humans, Five Orcs Resources: Large quantities of Igneous and metamorphic rocks, some gems formed by the intense pressure and heat of the volcano, magma, construction tools, small amounts of metals extracted from the rich veins that run through the caverns, wood from the surrounding forests, food from the village [/hider]