Natasha gave him a smile before heading to her car, she snatched up the messenger bag she had in the passenger seat for the drive before locking up the car. She muttered a quiet "Thank you" to him as she climbed up into the passenger seat of his truck. She couldn't help but internally marvel over the amount of chivalry she had been shown in the one encounter. She couldn't help when her nose crinkled a bit at the unfamiliar song that came on after Randal started the car, but overall his country boy charm was proving enjoyable. Her mouth twitched from her holding back a smile at him calling her "ma'am" again. She normally thought of it as something to be a title for women who were quite a bit older than her, but coming from him it was actually endearing. "Well, right now I live in New York, but actually my mother is from Alabama," Natasha answered. Gesturing behind them, she added, "My aunt and cousins live a couple of hours out that way. One of my cousins just got married and I was down here for the wedding. Usually, it's them coming to see us though, so this is the first time I've been out here." She noticed the growing smoothness in the road, telling her that they were getting closer to their destination. Not that she didn't see the potential appeal in living in a small community, but Natasha was definitely a city girl. Even driving so for long without seeing much change had been a bit unsettling for her, although it wasn't awful or mind blowing. "I basically slept the day away and then left late tonight - well, last night, I suppose - thinking that that way I could drive straight and reach New York by evening, but that obviously wasn't in the cards." Smiling at him, she asked, "Do you live out here? I mean, I can tell you're southern but yours isn't the thickest accent I've heard all week either, so it made me wonder."