Jane continued running, her feet hurt, the smell of the creature gradually became thicker and thicker, [i] Oh, God, this is it...[/i] Part of her wanted to break down and cry, but the other part of her knew better... And the stench was so heavy and the rumbling was so monstrous. The air around her became harder to breathe as she started to lose distance between herself and the animal. It had only been a six minute run, yet she may have travelled a mile, yet. Her legs were wearing out and becoming heavy and tired. She dare not turn around to see how close the foul beast was behind her... But she did not have to turn around, for it had finally lunged on top of her. Her right leg felt a sharp pain, almost a sensational pain quiver quickly through her body. She screamed in horror, the echo of her voice vibrated through the forest. [i]Hit its nose, hit is nose![/i]. Jane twisted her body, as she had fallen flat onto her stomach, scraping the bottom of her chin, and sinking her teeth into the tip of her tongue. She made one swat that miffed the bear-like creature's nose. If any damage was done, it stalled the beast from piercing her stomach with its mouth... ... Before another forest animal came charging. It had similar attributes, large, fury, ferocious and the stench, that same disgusting stench. The closer this creature approached, the fouler and more polluted the air began to smell. Without hesitation, Jane stopped screaming and vomited on the creature, right before it was attacked by the other forest animal. Jane was flung aside, her body hit a tree, but strangely enough, the tree was soft, soft and comforting. Jane immediately picked her body up, feeling needles pierce through her leg as she tried to get away. Blood dropped from her leg. Curse words began flying through her head, and then prayers. Lord, have mercy. Kyrie eleison. Lord have mercy. Kyrie eleison... And then more cursing followed her horrible attempt at praying through the pain. She looked down at her sock, it was turning red. Jane turned and vomited one more time. It was nothing but yellow vile. She took deep breaths, forgetting she was in some foreign land. Flight or fight started pumping more adrenalin through her, she took several steps and started running again. Every step was a new pain, but she did not dare stop. She felt like Dori from [i]Finding Nemo[/i]. She thought to herself, [i]Just keep running. Just keep running[/i]. Occasionally, she would slip in a Lord have mercy, but she mostly found herself continually forgetting she was not her natural habitat... The wind combed through her hair and licked the blood from her wound. The trees opened up paths for her to run. And her feet started finding the socks to be nothing but hindrances, soggy and slowing her down. She wished she could quickly take them off and let her feet feel the ground. This boost of energy would not last long, [i]Find shelter, Jane, find shelter.[/i]