India drove in silence along the main road leading outside of Austin, Texas. The radio was playing an old rock station, but she'd turned it down quite a while ago to eliminate the distraction. Her mind was absorbed with the possibility of seeing Jack again. It had only been a couple of years since they broke their partnership, but India doubtlessly would have let many more pass before contacting him were it not for the circumstances. Finally, India turned off of the main road into a neighborhood about thirty-five minutes into a nice residential area outside of the metropolitan district of Austin. She slowed the car in front of a simple but well-kept ranch house. She pulled into the driveway next to the vehicle that was already there and shut off the car. In the car's mirrors, India could see that her appearance had drawn some curious looks from some of the people in the neighborhood enjoying a nice day outside. Maybe Jack didn't get many visitors. After taking a moment to prepare herself, India stepped out of the car into the summer heat. She hadn't exactly dressed up for the occasion, dressed in a simple lavender V-neck and tight, light blue denim shorts. Waving casually to the people of the neighborhood, she shut the rental car door behind her and locked it. She surveyed the house and neighborhood further through her sunglass-covered eyes as she approached the door, white flip-flops clicking softly as she walked up the path and the small staircase. She breathed out softly a pressed the doorbell.