Sorry if it's a bit jumbled. I have been adding bit by bit whenever I got the chance to get on my computer. [hider=Bardock Woodsman][b]Name : Bardock Woodsman[/b] [b]Age:19[/b] [b]Appearance :[/b] [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [b]Personality : [/b]Bardock is very quiet when it comes to most things unfamiliar to him. It is because of this that he has a "lone wolf" feel about him, but it is actually quite the opposite. Companionship means everything to Bardock. If one were to get to know him, they would find out that he has the exact same loud and proud mentality that Fairy Tail has always had. He hates large cities and towns that have stayed too far from natures path, and prefers to stay in the wild when not inside the guild. He takes most missions very light heartedly and won't work nearly as hard as he would hunting, but if things get too dangerous, he will do anything possible to protect his friends. Bardock, on the few occasions he does get serious, is a brilliant tactician. [b]History[/b] : Bardock was born and raised in the wilds of Fiore. His father was a huntsman and his mother was a huntress. Both of his parents were the soul source of food and sustenance for his village, so they often away hunting. On Bardock's eleventh birthday, his parents took him out for his first hunt. Half way through the hunt, his parents showed him one of the most spectacular sight he had ever seen. His parent had lead him to a sanctuary that was hidden deep within the woods of Fiore. It was there that Bardock learned of the beauty of nature, and the beings that live in it. Within the sanctuary lived many animals thought to be extinct within the brick and mortar walls of Fiore's cities and towns. The water and the air were clear and crisp, the flourishing plant life that never wilted or died, and a place where there were no predator nor prey. It was a place where nature had not been disturbed by the chaos and destruction of the evolving outside world. Yet, this wasn't the biggest thing to surprise him within this hidden paradise. To his dismay, Bardock's parent were accepted by the animals and freely intermingled among the group. He would later find out that his parents were apart of a small organization of hunters that coveted natures "original" state. A state where human hands hadn't dug up the earth and created towns and cities. They believed that humans were slowly destroying the world and that there needed to be an area that could help recreate the world when the time came. The area that they had told him about was in fact the paradise showed to him on his first hunt. They called the aforementioned paradise, Eden. It was the only known area that wasn't affected by the progressive evolution of human society. His parents were the guardians of Eden, and Bardock was the next in line to devote his life to protecting it. Over the next few years, Bardock trained with his parents in the ways of hunting and magic. All of the hunters in their organization used magic pertaining to nature. Each family within the organization had a different magic based off of an aspect of nature. The Woodsman family, his family, had a special magic that pertained to the creatures that live in the wilds, Summoning Magic- Guardian Beasts. Bardock was amazed by this magic and trained hard to become good at it. One day, while Bardock was off hunting, an overly powerful dark guild found Eden. When he returned from his hunt, Bardock found nothing but destruction. The once beautiful paradise was lost and, worst of all, his parents. His father had recieved a mortal wound trying to protect Eden and his mother was no where to be found. Bardock rushed to his father to try to save him, but his father was already too far gone. His father reassured him that it was meant to be and gave his son one last gift. Using the last amount of magic that he could must, his father, gave Bardock his strongest guardian, and he gave him a seed that came from one of the many plants that lived within Eden. After a few last garbled words of reassurance, Bardock's father died. Bardock, now alone, left his village and began searching for the dark guild that destroyed his life. After about 3 years of searching, he found himself in Fairy Tail. When he first arrived he had been dark, sullen, and filled with hate. Although as a little time passed, his hate seem to disappear. He now has devoted his life to the guild and his own growth, but deep inside, apart of him still holds on to that hate. He will wait for the day he find the men responsible for destroying Eden and return the favor. [b]Magic : Summoning Magic - Guardian Beasts:[/b] This is a magic that summons creatures the user has befriended or defeated, and have them fight along side the user. A creature that fights against the user and loses, if it survives, can be tamed using this magic. The user then creates a link between him and the creature, and it is the link that the user uses to summon that specific creature. Each summon of a creature uses up a specific amount of magic depending on how strong the creature is, and requires a constant flow of magic to maintain(I will be placing a power scale on most of my Guardians, It will probably be using the capture level system that Toriko had). If a Guardian would die after he was summoned, the summon would cancel and the Guardian would be returned to where it was before it was summoned fully healed. Although a damaged Guardian is fully healed after the summon is canceled, they cannot be re-summoned because the link between the magic user and the Guardian has been temporarily disturbed. The time it takes for the link to restore itself is based on how much damage the Guardian actually took. [b]Family / Relationships[/b] : Father - Deceased Mother - Missing [b]Other[/b] : Badock always carries a bow with him. He also carries a full quiver magic arrows that have different elemental properties (Explosive, Frost, Fire, Smoke). The arrows are bought at most hunting and magic stores and in Fiore towns and cities. [/hider]