[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/38165/posts/ooc?page=1#post-1132181]OOC is here.[/url] [i]After closing the book, you realize just how much pain and anguish Tyme went through. Not only did he lose Misa, he lost every ounce of strength to fight. "Now do you understand why he did what he did? Why he had to create The Three Hundred Crater? He had to do it to save the rest of Avenase, but the price he payed was steep. Not only did he lose Misa, five hundred thousand Avenasians were also killed because of EXA Flare. Tyme was ridden with so much guilt, that he hid himself away from the world, in a place where no one would find him." the old man said, looking you in the eye. He tapped the book you had just read, "Despite this, his journey was far from over. There is a second book, one that was written from another person's point of view, not Tyme's." he said, turning to the locked case again. He opened it and withdrew the final book from it, setting it before you, "This chronicles the rest of Tyme's journey, the writer became aware that this last part of the journey, was to answer for his sins." he tells you. The book's title read, The Rebellion of Avenase: The Secret. You open the book to the first page, [b]"My name is Arysta Wargrave, and these are the writings of what I have witnessed since the day I met a certain young man from Avenase. This man's name was Tyme Ishinara. Even now, seeing his name brings back the pain in my chest, the pain of not just losing him, but the pain of what he did to ensure the safety of future generations. If you're reading this, then his plans have gone accordingly, and the future was saved. I'm sure your own journey has been troublesome, but after you've completed reading this book, you will know where to find 'the tear' and 'the fury' of the former Dragon Guardian. Now, let me begin on the day I met him, the day my husband walked into my life.[/b][/i]