[URL=http://s1302.photobucket.com/user/enrika01/media/Dylan-G_zpsf768aee8.png.html][IMG]http://i1302.photobucket.com/albums/ag138/enrika01/Dylan-G_zpsf768aee8.png[/IMG][/URL] [b]Tagress Guild[/b] "Oh, I know what you mean," he said in response to Syed's comment. "I don't think that nurse ever forgave me for that one little prank." He shook his head, still a little miffed that Trent hadn't come to help him. Still, he was ecstatic that the others had taken so well to his idea, so he got to his feet. "Well, then, I'll go see about getting some picnic-y food together and…" he leaned forward and continued in a mock whisper, "will make sure it's put on Tiberius' tab!" Turning from the group, he approached one of the waitresses in the Guild, a large smile on his face. It didn't take too long to arrange for her to get together a basket full of fruits, cheeses, and other snacks, as well as a second basket of alcohol - with a variety that would surely make even Moira happy. "Okay, everyone," he called back to the group. "We should be ready to head out in about a half-hour. Get ready!" With that done, he bounded up the stairs to the room he had rented, gathering up his paints and his brushes into a bag that he slung over his shoulder. Though he often worked with charcoal and colored pencils, he did enjoy working on paintings as well. They were just so much less portable. One could easily carry about a notepad, but dragging around an easel and canvas was absurd. But just this once, the effort might be worth it. Selecting a small canvas, only eleven by fourteen inches, he hefted that in one arm and took the easel in the other. This would be a very good day.