Hey guys! I've got a few RP ideas so I figure I'll just introduce them here, give you some information about them and let you guys decide which one you want to play. The RP that gets the most interest is the one I'll do, mainly because I don't have the time to do them all at once. So yeah, let's get started! [hider=Persona: Lost to Darkness][i] People are disappearing. Normally I wouldn't think that much of it, just some people wanting to off the grid except........ This city is usually quite peaceful, quiet. I work to keep it that way....... But this, this is just bizarre. There's no pattern, no profile, just a string of random disappearances as if the victims were abducted by aliens. The crime-scenes are all spitting images of the others, door ajar, pool of the victim's blood, TV displaying static, and worst of all....... A bloody serpent manipulated to consume it's own tail, nailed to the door. What's going on? Where are the victims? Are they still alive? Is this the work of some cult? The flashing red lights of the squad cars illuminated the dark, empty front lawn around me, the sound of rain pattering against the rooftops permeated the moist air. And one final thought struck me. ..............What do those high-schoolers know that I don't?[/i] So, this is a Persona RP as the title says, meaning there will be supernatural/psychological stuff to be had. All of your characters would be high school students and of course you get to choose an Arcana and a Persona to fit your character. I will get into that stuff a bit more with the OOC if it gets there. There will also be action, friendship, deception, bonds and cool Persona powers.[/hider] Alright! On to the next one....... [hider=Knights of Galvarok: The Forbidden Gate] [i]I stood in front of my pupils, light from the fire illuminating them before me, curios and young faces staring at me in the comforting light of the fire. Tonight was the night of their first mission, and such it was my obligation to tell them what they've surely heard a thousand times by now, yet tradition must be obeyed. "Long, long ago there once was a kingdom by the name of Galvarok. Her citizens were happy and prosperous, her land rich and fertile, and her king kind and courageous. Until one day they came. From the depths of the earth the beasts rose, otherwordly monsters who killed as if it were some game, pillaging and plundering all that stood in their way. The other nations Voro, Nosk, the Midlands and Westland gave everything they could to aid their neighbor. Yet it was not enough..........The king couldn't bear to see his people suffer any longer and took matters into his own hands. With his most loyal followers he built a gate, a seal that would lock these demons away for the rest of eternity. And so it came to pass, but at what cost? The king had died, or so it is said. Gave his own life to seal the armies plaguing his land away forever. And so his loyal followers, the men and women who stood by their king as he made the ultimate sacrifice, swore to stand watch over this gate and ensure it never be opened again. The other nations vowed the support these knights in their endeavors, and thus the Choosing came to be. From this oath, from these watchers came, an order of knights, sentinels to stand watch over the gate and to protect those who cannot defend themselves. Sworn to valor, duty, and honor these knights have stood for a thousand years, protecting the weak and innocent, and striking down the arrogant and unjust. You are these knights, you have all been selected in the Choosing and have advanced to where you are now, standing before me. Each of you will set forth, Raiments in hand to do your sworn duty." I delivered the story solemnly, as tradition requires. Yes, soon these young knights would face the world and stand tall, or be crushed underfoot. I couldn't help but hope for the former. Rubbing my bearded chin I feel......hesitant, I can tell something is coming, something will happen soon, I can feel it on the wind, and only time will tell what awaits us.[/i] So here's the other one. This will be a high fantasy type RP set in the world of Ascalon. You will all be playing the young knights that the narrator mentions. Now a few things that I should explain here. A Knight's Raiment is your personal weapon. A weapon that defines you as a knight and can have a great range of powers from manipulating an element to protecting it's bearer from harsh environments or other hazards or to nothing and aside from providing passive benefits to it's wielder. [/hider] Well, here they are! If you have any questions at all feel free to ask.