[center] [b][i]Name :[/i][/b] Patrica Rynir [b][i]Nicknames :[/i][/b] N/A so far. Gender : Female [i][b]Age and birthday :[/b][/i] Born in the year 1282, on 9th of September. [i][b]Origin :[/b][/i] Born in Hials, as the granddaughter of Girvus Rynir. The youngest daughter of her family. [i][b]Length and build :[/b][/i] Around the 1.65m and though a fit and trained body, slim. [i][b]Weight :[/b][/i] Around 62 kg. [i][b]Sexuality :[/b][/i] Heterosexual. [/center] ------------------------ [i][b]Appearances :[/b][/i] [hider=Appearance][img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/135/f/c/ranger_by_nathanparkart-d7ifg2x.jpg][/hider] ------------------------ [center] [i][b]Occupation :[/b][/i] Currently has graduated from the Academy in Deliar and serves in the 16th Legion, with the rank of optio. [i][b]Favorite phrase/saying :[/b][/i] ''It takes a single man to lead an army to victory, but it is the army that bleeds for it.'' [i][b]Favorite Food :[/b][/i] Fruit, specially apples. [b][i]Favorite Weather and Season :[/i][/b] Weather that is dark of clouds, indicating a storm or rain hail is approaching. Her favorite season is fall. [i][b]Patron God/Goddess :[/b][/i] Rolor, due her profession, but Irtan for luck. As she sorely misses that last one.[/center] ----------------------- [i][b]Personality :[/b][/i] Patricia is a woman that has suffered quite the misfortune in her life. But never the less, it also showed her stubbornness of not giving up on something as she had managed to go through the Academy in Deliar. She is straight forward, to the point she can be considered very blunt. Unless she is forced to bow her head towards a superior in rank and status, which is something she despises. Some say it is because she can track her lineage back to the Rynir House, but she says its because her own pride. One that holds little fear, she values no virtue like that of the knights of honor do. Instead, she values pragmatic views on the world as she deems honor and chivalry something to the past. [i][b]History :[/b][/i] Born as the youngest daughter in a Rynir Family in Hials, Patricia had an easy childhood. Even when she had several older siblings, she had little to fear as she would sleep with a full belly and in a warm bed. More than most people could say of their childhood. In Hials, she lived till her eighteen. Learning how to write and read, along with how to act in court were bestowed upon her. But Patrica wouldn't become a very important person. The most attention and grooming went to her older siblings. Like most youngest, she decided to take it up to the army, hoping to earn a name of respect there. Again, being part of the high nobility and her House willing to suffice, she was able to get to study at the Academy. Learning the theory of warfare and leadership, Patrica spent two years in training. During that time, she had little to no contact with the High House. Neither she or them wrote a letter to each other. The only communication was that she heard rumours and such. But neither in that was she interested. The only objective that mattered was to graduate and show that she was capable of becoming a person. Not just a some fifth daughter of a family that was part of a High House. Finally graduating, Particia entered the service of the Awom Legion, being appointed to the 16th legion as an optio. Though she has no experience on leading people, only having learned theory, she hopes her pragmatic view will help her while she tries to obtain some of the vital experience one needs. [i][b]Theme song :[/b][/i] [hider=Theme song] [youtube]9Lsb8Week94[/youtube][/hider] --------------------- [i][b]Clothing and/or armor :[/b][/i] During service, Patricia wears her armor, from a good quality armor smith. It consist of [url=http://www.woodsarmoury.com/images/armour/coat-of-plates04.jpg]a coat of plates, a vest of mail armor underneath it with the combination of a gambeson vest.[/url]. Next to that, she wears the standard leather marching boots, [url=http://www.fantasy-armor.com/images/bracers/AE453.jpg]arm bracers[/url] and her [url=http://www.toledosword.com/im/Medieval_Chainmail_Helmet.jpg]helmet[/url]. [i][b][u]Tools and weapons :[/u][/b][/i] ======= [b][u]Name :[/u][/b] An aiming sword. [u][b]Description :[/b][/u] Patricia's weapon of choice. [i][b]Appearance :[/b][/i] [hider=Her sword][img=http://www.elmslie.co.uk/portfolio/oakeshott-type-xiv_1.jpg][/hider] ======= [b][u]Name :[/u][/b] A shield. [u][b]Description :[/b][/u] Seems clear to me. [i][b]Appearance :[/b][/i] [hider=Patricia's shield][img=http://static.mijnwebwinkel.nl/winkel/celticwebmerchant/full29849971.jpg][/hider] ======= [b][u]Name :[/u][/b] Hector [u][b]Description :[/b][/u] The steed of Patricia, trained to become a war horse. She has gained it with her House paying for it. [i][b]Appearance :[/b][/i] A rather imposing horse, true to the name of being called a warhorse. Often with a protective headgear, Patricia rides on him while leading her soldiers. ======= --------------------------------------- [center] [b][u]Skill/Abilities :[/u][/b] * Good swordfighter, * Skilled horserider, * Can read and write * Is good at coming up with tactics and strategies. * Good reflexes, * Good stamina --------------------------------------- [i][b][u]Traits[/u][/b][/i] Level headed, Distrust many at first sight, Inexperienced Optio Is sometimes quite stubborn I swear loyalty to the High King of the Empire.[/center]