Oh, great. He actually sat down next to her. Lovely. The man had made all sorts of ridiculous attempts at conversation in the last several minutes, quickly wearing her patience down. "Yer jus' shy, aren'tcha? You ought ta smile, ya look so serous..." Why didn't he take a hint or pass out already? The only reason why she hadn't attacked him yet was because she was trying not to get thrown out of here. Just ignore him, maybe he'll get bored... "You know what? I bet I know what'll get'cha to smile. Come with me." He grabbed one of her arms and tried to get up. That's it. A resounding 'clang' sounded as the frying pan collided with his face. Less chance of keeping the fool from trying it ever again, but a better chance of her not being thrown out of her place to stay for the night. Sadly, once hadn't been enough to keep him down, apparently. He was already getting back up, shocked at the blood running from his nose. "What gives you any reason to touch me?!" Another smash to the skull put him out quickly, giving her more satisfaction than she'd had all day. "You're hardly a man, are you? The mere children in my homeland would laugh in your face!" She laughed out loudly, completely forgetting her original goal to stay unnoticed. "Aye! That wench just decked Jonas!" Oh bugger. Turning around, she could see a couple of men getting up from their table. They were obviously a lot bigger than her, though it would seem they'd had a bit to drink recently as well. Karin stepped back, laughing a bit more nervously. "Ahah...you believe me when I say that he started it, right?" The fact that they continued advancing only seemed to prove that either they didn't hear or didn't care. Either way, she wasn't going to just wait for them to decide her fate. She threw the bowl left on the table at them and started running. Her smaller size would make it easier to get through the crowd, though she didn't count on them dodging the bowl and it hitting someone else in the head. Nor did she count on this person just punching the first person he saw into somebody else's table. Before long, this would be far too lively of an evening.