[center][img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/99d65792681f52fd0b3d8a48dd792213/tumblr_muvd3ytmBw1qztgoio1_500.gif[/img][/center] [center]“Say, what do you think is fate?” A hooded girl stood at the rooftop of a tall building, with nothing but the endless blue sky above her. A few white clouds were drifting at that hour, sailing like ships across the eternal welkin, never to see the land of shore. Looking out towards the distance, she placed her hand on the stone parapet, speechless. The city was loud and colourful as always, the parade of society’s little business hastily moving forward. “Fate is something quite misleading.” she said simply with a kind voice. Perhaps her face even bore a smile, yet it was impossible to know, for she was facing away, gazing at the unknown. “Many people believe that it’s something we can’t change, but there are just as many that deny that and say we can change it. There are lots of shows on TV that prove either or both of the two statements. It’s no surprise such different opinions have equal defenders. Everyone is so inclined to blindly fight for what they believe is right, they forget that the answer might be a combination of polar opposites.” Stray dogs chased each other in the trash-ridden back alleys. They were youngsters looking for an adventure. “The thing is, fate is the road we walk on. It can be bumpy or it can be smooth. Long or short. Narrow or wide. It depends on how you carve it, since you’re the one making it. If we think by knowing only that, it would be as if people really can change their fate and that there really isn’t anything they can’t do. However, it’s not entirely like that.” A bird flew high above the many pedestrians on the street, soaring through the air majestically. Where it was going can not be said for certain. “This is where we should clear up what destiny is. The road of fate has to be located somewhere, right? Well, the ground it is situated on is destiny. As you move forward, the only space you can occupy is the road, you can’t step out of it. In other words, you can change your location, but you can’t change the location itself. If there’s a mountain in front of you, you can’t simply erase it from existence or blow it up. You have to choose to either go around or through it. Or you can just sit and wait for something to happen. What that something will be and if it will come is something you can’t expect to know. If it will or will not happen can’t be chosen by you. After all, you can only stay on the road. The bad news doesn’t end with that. Seems like you can’t really turn around and go back either. The only options are to move forward or stay still.” Three elderly women drank coffee at the old café at the corner. They were playing cards again. “You have to wonder, though. How is the road made in the first place? With a shovel? A huge machine? Or maybe with your own bare hands? The truth is, it’s none of those. The only way to build it is with the power of the soul. Hehe, yah, yah, I know. That sounds so cliché and believerish. But it’s the truth! And I’m not even a fan of religion. Hear me out here and then make whatever conclusions you want, wiseguy. Fate. Destiny. It’s not like you can physically touch those. That’s why it’s not too farfetched to suggest that the soul has something to do with this. Everyone has a soul, even if they try to deny it. A lot of people also say that their soul is weak. That’s not true! If it was, you wouldn’t be alive! It’s the power you use to create your path. Every soul is strong in its very own way. The problem comes when that strength has to be utilized. Some can summon it, others can’t, but everybody can learn how to, so it’s not impossible to be a strong person. What being a strong person actually means, well, it always depends on the person, so I can’t make any assumptions on that.” In a kiosk by a busy bus stop the seller was reading a newspaper. The news must of been important, for his eyes did not lift themselves from the words, not even when someone knocked on the window. “Ah, but I got a bit distracter there. In any case, it was about changing fate, wasn’t it? What normal people understand by “changing fate” is “to change the course of events that were meant to happen” and those who shout out that they can determine their own fate mean to say that they can decide on their future, that nothing is truly set in stone. After everything that I’ve said, it should be obvious that we really can change fate. We can make the road go left or right or straight ahead. But we can’t pick everything ourselves, can we? Who will come when we’re in trouble? What will be behind the curtain? What lies beyond the mountain? Those are things impossible for us to know or chose. The only choice we have is to go forward and, when we do find out, we can’t change what’s in front of us. One must carry the burdens of the choices they make, after all. Fate. Destiny. Spirit. Those are the things that shape what we call “a life”. Something we can relatively control, something we can never control and something we can always control. If we look at it all from this point of view, we both can and can’t change our future.” A black book fell from the sky, seemingly having appeared out of nowhere. The girl spread out her right hand and it landed on her palm. She then turned to stand sideways, the item still in her hands. It became evident that she was also wearing a hat, the visor of which overshadowed her eyes, hiding them from view. But her smile was visible and it was warm and sincere. “Well, it’s not like it’s a problem, is it? As long as the soul is there, any dream is possible.”[/center] --- [center][img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/1b1785f3b8a1436d823cc37a1fb59fe9/tumblr_n1xtbs8PUg1rcj3j9o3_500.gif[/img][/center] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=22nd%20June%0A05%3A45%20AM&name=Charsbld.ttf&size=27&style_color=C7C4BB[/img][/center] [center][youtube]WyjloDpb1gs[/youtube][/center] Dawn, a time of new beginnings, a symbol of hope and bliss, had finally come upon the shivering city. The playful rays of the sleepy sun, which would have tickled the early birds and glided on the surface of windows, were now hidden away by a thick layer of grey. Clouds tumbled over each other in the heavens as rain poured down on the awakening world. Cars roared past each other on the road, their headlights shining brightly like the eyes of a monstrous beast from folklore. The occasional song of horns, abrupt stops and sound ignitions provided audible effects befitting the scene. The lamps were yet to be turned off, their orange glow illuminating the tiled streets below. A few blades of grass were growing in the cracks, which spread through the solid surface of the squares beneath the pedestrians’ feet, yet no one came to notice. With or without an umbrella, humans hurried on their way, not once glancing away from the direction of their destination. Another round of hard work awaited the nation. The glass was already getting foggy. Mist was creeping in the alleys, where mice danced at the feast of garbage, a sneaky cat watching on a fence from above. Some lights flickered on and others off in the tall skyscrapers, making it seem like a giant beehive and inside its little cells were people, who chatted among themselves or didn’t speak at all, never bothering themselves to wonder what the ones on the other side of the wall were doing. They did not see each other. They most likely didn’t even know that the other was there or that they even existed. The rain continued falling, washing away the dirt of the city. The inanimate one, at least. Puddles bubbled in their little crevices, gathering the eyes of passersby, who strived to avoid them. Pigeons stayed huddled together under roofs or shelters. A few shops were just getting their signs flipped from “Closed” to “Open”, whilst the 24/7 convenience stores had never even flipped them the other way around in the first place. Life was moving on, just like the stream of water, which flowed through the streets and down the drain. Today was no different from yesterday. --- [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=5%20%3A%2050%20AM&name=ledfont.ttf&size=27&style_color=FF0000[/img][/center] [center]Only ten minutes away from the official start of the work day, despite many already being at their workplace. Commercials ran on both television and radio, promoting products and giving away spoilers for the upcoming morning news. [u]City 1[/u] “This morning with ____ we’ll tell you about a vicious attack by stray dogs, meteorologists’ outlooks on recent weather, new 3D technology and many, many more fantastic stories. The News on ____ every morning at 6 AM. ” “A small restaurant’s special dish gains popularity through the Internet. How did a squirrel get drunk and break into a house? What caused the incident on Crossroad 53? Stay tuned with ___ radio for the morning cup of coffee.” “Minister of ____ department Mr. ____denies being involved in the kidnapping. Is he telling the truth? Watch ____ News at 6 AM.” [u]City 2[/u] “Bacon, eggs and and poison? How did a mother unknowingly serve her family’s sentence? To find out, watch the news on ____ 6 o’clock sharp. ” “More traffic jams expected in the main arteries. How long will the construction sight continue influencing the people? ____ launches a new project to improve customer service. Genuine intentions or a fake excuse? And will there be an end to this rain? More news in the morning show at 6 AM.” “___ releases new single! The fans are flooding the social webs with posts! ___ expected to host a LIVE on the 16th at Arcada Stadium! Graffiti artists and street musicians taking over Dolbbs Street from the 3rd to the 6th! For more awesomesause wait 10 more minutes until 6 AM on Radio ____. Wake up, you drunkards!” Loud or calm. Feminine or masculine. Behind a screen or speaker. They were all the same fraudery. There was nothing sincere. Nothing honestly emotional. With this nothingness came down the rain, raindrops piling on the windows. And in this static of the natural and the artificial, someone tapped a few spaces and ~ding~[/center] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=It%20was%206%20AM%20already&name=DigitaldreamFatSkew.ttf&size=15&style_color=12C489[/img][/center] [hider=message]To: (insert character name/username/address/e-mail) From: 1.73 Topic: News Hello and good yesterday. Here are the news for our lovely city. 06:00 A number of newcomers have arrived. Please, threat them nicely~ 10:30 The weather will be perfect. Indigo Square will have a sky of wonderful velvet. The vegetation in Last Part will continue growing uncontrollably. Aquatwist will be busy as always, but due to the overall sunniness, the chance of shadow-consumers is low. Akasan will have a medium fog snake factor. In the rest of the areas, everything shall be splendid as well. 13:25 Orangada offers 25% off on the drinks. Remember to get one, since the atmosphere will get warmer. 15:35 Construction on the new skyscraper will continue. Please, be wary of falling objects. 16:30 A murder will take place in Underpass. The murderer will be William Low. Remember, keep your keys in your pockets and treat them with respect. Have a nice yesterday~[/hider] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Chapter%201:%20Fate%27s%20knocking%20at%20your%20door$&name=TEENSPIR.ttf&size=20&style_color=000000[/img][/center]