Klaus Kalogeropoulos. Boy, were the students going to have fun with that name. The new teacher grinned a bit at the thought as a student worker handed him his iced coffee. "[i]Efharistó[/i]," he said to express his thanks before turning to wander the grounds, the transition lenses of his glasses darkened by the sun. He was given the tour over the summer and introduced to a few teachers, so he had a...vague idea of where he was going. Soon enough, Klaus found himself right where he wanted to be: the beach. He approached the water, though didn't get close enough for it to wade over his shoes, and gaze out at the horizon. After a moment, he slowly sat himself down as to not spill his coffee. Settled down, the Greek sighed and sipped at his beverage, finding nostalgia and comfort in the rumble of waves crashing against the shore.