Darren hummed in thought as he walked onward. He wasn't sure it he could [i]not[/i] spill blood, as any good strike with his sword would probably cause a lot of blood spilling. He was curious as to why he asked that, but didn't get on it any more than he needed to. "I can try my best, but I'm not going to promise that there won't be a lot of bloodshed. I might be able to take it out by using a vibrations technique, but that might take a while, as well as a lot of magic to finely tune the frequency, and keeping it together long enough to have a good effect on the ox." Now that he thought about his vibrations technique, it seemed like he would have to go through more trouble than it was worth to use it, as he had never faced and ox before, much less one that was like a demon, so he wasn't even sure that it would work it he was able to do it. "Scratch what I said about vibrations, it probably wont work."