Yup I do have more information for you and here it is! Condensed because it was really, really long. Anyway we seem to be at a two for two tie. As I count Kumori's post as one for each. [hider=Additional info]Magic besides the Raiments exists yes, but it's not nearly as common. The Midlands capital Veilron is home to a magic school itself, however one cannot simply learn magic, he has to be born with it. All Knights innately have the ability to learn magic as it is a criteria in The Choosing. Races that I would allow you to play as amount to Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and Half-Elves. Other notable races though include Goblins, Trolls, Orcs, Myrmydia, and the Slasks. Tech level would be like the Medieval era. Catapults, crossbows, ballistae, stone walls, etc. Except with the inclusion of magic, making feats of architecture, biology, medicine, and transportation a few hundred years ahead. The five most prominent nations from west to east are: The Westland, the Midlands, and Voro, which are in a crescent moon shape. Galvarok is a separate body distanced by a strait between the two, and is technically the largest country in Ascalon. Finally Nosk is a island nation off of the east coast of Galvarok, it's size is about equivalent to that of the Westland. For some culture flavor Nosk is very far north it's very cold and experiences harsh winters and mild summers. It's people are mainly dwarves who hunt the icy plains to survive. They are mainly a tribal people and mostly keep to themselves. Voro is a rather temperate nation with open plains, large lakes, and a few notable mountains. Actually an expansive and perilous mountain range seperates Voro from the Midlands, as such a great bridge was built in an indent like gulf between the two. It's people are cattle herders and farmers mainly, with a proud standing army and king, as well as a very decent economy allow it's citizens to live pretty well. The Midlands are a collection of arid plains, nearly dessert like. It's east border are mountains and it's west border are woodlands. It's people are peddlers taking advantage of pretty much being in the center of the known world, or magic users from the great school in Veilron. It's government is a coalition of smaller states within the borders forming a common council of representatives. The Westland is a wooded, wild frontier, and is also the youngest nation. It's a bit rainy and wild animals are pretty prevalent. It's people are trappers and foresters, trading fur and meat as well as other plantlife. Elves are a very common race in the Westland. The government there is mostly non-existent. Much like Nosk it's pretty much a council formed of the oldest and most experienced among the people. Galvarok is the largest nation and home to the Knights of the same name. It's climate is foothills and plainland at it's southern region and becomes more mountainous and eventually downright freezing the farther north you go. It's economy is mainly based off of the enormous amounts of fishing and herding that's done, with a little farming in the south. The knights are the main form of government and they are an enclosed organization who's leadership is composed of a council chairman-ed by the Commander. There are also three great bridges leading from Galvarok to each nation on the southern crescent. And yes Knights can hail from any of the 5 main countries, that is the oath they swore. To provide their children in gratitude and support for what the king did. Also if one of your parents was a knight you are guaranteed to also become a knight. However all of your characters would have been chosen to become knights at a very, very young age and will likely have never been to their homeland.[/hider]