Name : Sasha Greyhound Age: 22 Appearance : [img=] Personality : While usually happy and at sometimes even giddy, Sasha uses the appearance of a cheery and always happy girl as a front, hiding a quieter and more thoughtful side of her. She always wished the best for the guild and the people that are a part of it, and when things go wrong the will mentally blame herself for things, while she simply sighs or something much like that outwardly. Her tendency for blaming herself came from when her parents decided to travel around Fiore without her, trusting the guild to look after her while they were gone. She misinterpreted the message and believed that they were leaving her, and not simply traveling like that actually were. She uses requip magic out of the memory of her late idol, Erza Scarlet. The reason that she is so happy is because she doesn't want to see others sad, and will do whatever it takes to keep her friends and guild-mates happy. History : Sasha Grew up with both of her parents in Magnolia, both of them telling stories about the golden days of Fairy Tail, which, her father was a part of that guild. He never knew any of the old members personally, but he knew of them, and always told their stories to her daughter. She was fascinated by the tales of the old members of Fairy Tale, and looked up to Erza, finding her use of magic 'awesome'. She also like how Erza was able to endure just about everything thrown her way, and soon started to study requip magic in hopes of becoming a mage like her father and Erza. Growing older and becoming more experienced with magic, Sasha was surprised by her parents when they suddenly told her that they were going to be traveling around Fiore. Of course, she wanted to go as well, but her father told her that he believed that she would much rather be in the guild, becoming a better mage, rather than walking around endlessly. She believed that she had done something to drive them away, and despite how smart he was didn't see that they wanted to enjoy their abilities while they were still fairly young. With a little work, she applied to go to the guild and began to make her money there, doing any jobs that they had available with a smile on her face. Magic : [b]Caster Magic - Requip[/b] [b]Velocity Saber:[/b] The Velocity Saber is the lightest one out of the three, meant for quick slashes and good combos. The sword is meant for ending fights just as they start, and isn't meant for prolonged use. With magic, the sword can be used to create whirling winds that can become quite a force if enough magic is used in them. It had a long lightly green tinted blade, and a deeper green handle with a red gem in the center of the guard. [b]Inferno Saber[/b] The inferno Sabre is the most devastating, as it can ignite at the user's will, but requires a steady flow of magic to keep the flame sword up in flames. The design has many flame-like marking all around it, as well as a red handle with a gold trim on it. [b]Frost Saber[/b] The most recently aquired in the collection, the Frost Saber has an ice affinity, as the blade can become more than twice as sharp while in it's ice form. Much like the Inferno Saber, is requires magic to keep it in it's ice-like state. The sword has a pale blue color to it, as well as a white tint to give the sword some variety. Family / Relationships : Both father and mother travel around Fiore, sending letters to Sasha every so often, sometimes even with little trinket and findings that they got on their journey. His father is a guild member, but has taken more time to spend with his wife rather than being at the guild. Other : Guild mark is on left forearm, and is also engraved into her armor on the same spot.