[quote=Sep] Besides, if they've taken over the Colonials before it is likely one where the Columbia didn't get dragged out off their galaxy before Raptors Talon and was destroyed. Sure I can maybe change my transponder but I can't really get close. It is kind of hard to change the BSG-14 mark on the hull in the Colonial logo and the hangers, not to mention the fact it says Columbia on the flight pods :P [/quote] Now you're just being silly and looking to create excuses where there are none. Unless you're trying to sneak through the middle of a fleet you don't even need to repaint or modify the ship. At several thousand kilometers someone's going to need a very good telescope to see the name. Secondly, if the Galactica can build itself a new fighter the Columbia can likely do something far simpler and repaint the hull and modify the blazon. More importantly, if the Columbia with the help of its allies in the fleet can't even modify the ship enough to pass muster you might as well give up before you start because that's embarrassing :) Also, greeting to our new person! We've got quite a bit of ground forces now. That's rather unexpected.