Tabby walks through the crowd leaving a wake of wishful faces in her wake as she passes like some scarce dreamed dream. She is used to such things and doesn't linger to bask in false adulation instead making her way closer to the stage and taking advantage of the effect of her beauty to clear a path. People who don't know her and seeing her act thusly think her stuck up for using her assets but she for her part knows that not to would be foolish. She gets as close to the stage as if she were one of the many revelers of high social standing and wealth even garnering a few glances of envy and lust from those jaded individuals there. She relaxes as she waits the music to start making sure not to stand too close to cables nor amps so her power might ruin the festive mood. The band is already on stage and she envies their relaxed detachment before their performance as she thinks of the stress most in her field feel before setting art to it's task of entertainment. As she watches some creature wearing designer clothes and blue collar manners tries to cop a feel of her thigh only to jerk his hand back as she sends a mild shock through her body as a warning to his sleazy efforts. [B]"There sure is a lot of static"[/B] she says loudly with a giggle as he nurses his stung fingers