[quote=Gowi] Well, Joffrey was still an insufferable classic chaotic evil when he saw Arya practicing her swordplay with the Butcher’s kid. Now while even if I made him more competent “suddenly direwolf” still gives him a big disadvantage. But instead of being a whiney little twit I decided he’d have this strong sense of pride that he’d not tell anyone he was bested by someone like Arya. I also spun an idea that this is where he initially got a little intrigued by the younger Stark daughter. So, that would obviously change events though I’m certain him peckishly hiding a wolf bite due to his sense of honor would make Cersei livid when she found out. 1 > 3 > 2 would be my preference of your ideas. Definitely willing to write this. Though I ponder how we'd keep it interesting. [/quote] Yes but he still gave Sansa and necklace and seemed the most tame during that scene. I think his intentions by the river were good, though his swordskills were crap and Arya was able to best him. (right in the pride!) I think in the future, they could teach one another swordsmanship. I think the first idea is one we could continue to work on. And even just add the third to in the manner that Ned is spared and sent elsewhere, since it could ease tensions for the new couple, whenever. If you wanted to have Joffrey hide the event and the bite, which is fine with me, it would spare the direwolf and possibly make Arya give him a second glance. Of course ego is easier to consider than, say Joffrey being a crazy person so I think it could work. if Sansa blabbed to Cersei about the bite, it could surely make Joffrey grow tired of someone so dull (and who got him into trouble, and hell, she snitches on her sister) and then say he'd rather mess up Arya's life, thus changing the engagement or it would be the point when Sansa is taken out of the city (possibly by Petyr's doing for Cat's love or something). In terms of keeping it interesting, it is why I suggested they end up leaving King's Landing at some point when things get too chaotic. I don't see Arya staying willingly so I could see her sneaking off and probably stubborn Joffrey (with his ego or possibly curiosity?) follows her? Just spitballin' here.