[B]Rowan Zephyr [/b] [I]It seems that everyone but the hunter is willing to introduce themselves to strangers.[/I] thought Rowan. [I]...The pain's gone down. I'll need to see the wreckage. Maybe these people missed something. [/I] Rowan rose again from the bed. A strong soreness washed over him, but it was nothing he couldn't handle. He looked at the woman again and found that she had pointed ears. A mutation? A different species? Curiosity entered his mind for a moment, but vanished even more quickly than it appeared. "Ignore the Hirogan's words for now. Silvack only really respects our leader." Rowan glanced at Silvack in mild annoyance. "Is the wreckage of our...'sky bird' nearby? I want to see how bad the damage is for myself." --- [B]Bryce Achar [/b] Bryce shielded his eyes when the glimmering light emmitted from the woman. It did not take long for it to fade, but the next sight to see was...surprising to say the least. In place of the woman he had seen earlier was a creature with a beautiful, fiery red fish tail that made it's entire lower body, and the upper body of the woman he had followed, which was equally beautiful. "A mermaid..." he muttered as he stared in disbelief. It was a rare sight, even for a mercenary. Was this the reason the villagers were afraid? It was hardly any cause for alarm. Bryce took a few steps closer. He felt the water brush up against his metal boots. Not wanting the trouble of walking through the waves with heavy armor, he raised the volume of his voice to speak to the mermaid again. "Is this the reason those villagers were afraid of you?"