[quote=Gowi] This all sounds pretty good for spitballin’ though and I don’t mind some of these ideas. Though I can imagine the Cersei-Joffery divide growing a lot more with the ideas in my head like bits where she demands to know why he didn’t speak of the attack in the first place and irritated as all hell he’d tell his mother blankly it’s none of her concern. My Joffrey is more concerened with impressing his father and garnering attention in any ways (hence why he in my mind takes up more rigid training with the sword and when the Battle of Blackwater happens he so mans up.) – I’m just not sure how we’d explain the King running off playing “adventure”. Hm…. You know what? I am so down for this. Sign me up for idea development. [/quote] Joffrey does need to prove his worth. While Cersei's love for her children is her only saving grace, her overbearing tendencies could easily also contribute to the rift forming between mother and son. On top of that, Joffrey saw how valued Arya was (even as a handful) by both her mother and father in Winterfell. Might not be a stretch to guess he might be a little jealous of low key life of already being strong in her own right. (wouldn't admit it though, I doubt) Joffrey needing to "man up" and prove himself, as well as his status as future King of the realm, etc. On top of that, he could actually start to notice the ladies, or at least the other way around. Jamie isn't around to help, his father has died, Joffrey needs some kind of figure if we had Tywin off dealing with the war in the North, etc. Which is why we could bring in the Hound or something. Plenty to do I think. In terms of action, adventure, crazy interactions. And development. If we wanted, to could bring Gendry in? I'm a bit indifferent about him but he could be fun to toy with once Arya and Joffrey warm up to each other, I could see Joffrey's crazy-side coming when "threatened" by another guy. *rolls eyes a lil* If you are on board, I made an OOC for us: [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/37795/posts/ooc]h e r e[/url]