Calla smirked a bit at his response and gave a small shrug in return. "Name's Calla. And you're Kelvin right?" she said, sounding rather sure of herself. It didn't even seem like much of a question to ask with such a tone as her. She poked at the food with her fork at his words and let out a small breath as if disappointed. "Can't improve the food until we get a better cook." Her gaze proceeded to narrow in on Kage accusingly. Kage turned his head and blinked. "What?" he said in a whining tone. "You're the who hired that friend of yours. The lousy cook!" she said rather loudly. Kage frowned and crossed his arms with a small huff of air. "He's a good friend and he needs the money! I owe him! Be glad you're getting anything at all!" Calla grumbled something under her breath along the lines of "foolish old man" before taking another bite of her food.