"You know, I don't remember you people being so mean when I first met you... Talk about killing good first impressions." Kage said in a whining voice. It was hard to ever take him seriously if you saw this side of him. But then again, he was a powerful mage and, if in a serious battle, could be quite fearsome. "You're one to talk....." Calla mummbled before taking a drink of her water. She clearly remembered the first time she had met the Fairy Tail master, along with her first day at the guild. It was almost amusing to think of how serious and intimidating the man she had met was. Only to find out how he was truly like a day later. Her gaze drifted back over to Kelvin as she noticed him falling quite for a bit. She gazed past him at the offer and raised an eyebrow. "Just staring at it like that won't amount to much. Flip a coin if you're that unsure if you want to take it or not." she stated. Of course, she didn't know the whole back story behind his reasoning. Instead she just made assumptions like usual.