Lea and Terri had flown into the closest airport to the school on one of their father's private planes, and he had arranged for one of his associates to pick them up. Their dad had wanted them to take a limo, but the girls had begged for something less showy so a Mercedes Benz pulled up in front of the school instead. The girls got out of the back seat, and the driver handed them their bags out of the trunk. Each girl had a globe trotter brand rolling suitcase, a Coach purse, and a laptop bag. The girls thanked the driver and headed into the school. Terri lead Lea to the front office where they picked up their class schedules before going to find their dorm. When they reached the courtyard Lea grabbed Terri's arm to hold onto. In the halls she had simply been following her by ear, but outside she had to hold on to Terri to stay with her. They walked across the yard to the girls dorms where they dropped off their luggage and other bags in their room. Terri pulled her laptop out of her bag. "I'm going back outside. There were a few others out there. I might talk to them, or I might work on some sculpture concepts. Do you want to come?" She asked as she headed back towards the door. "No thanks." Said Lea as she pulled a collapsible cane out of her bag. "I kind of want to explore, and try to learn my way around this place." The girls headed back outside together, but once they were out of the dorm Terri headed out into the courtyard after turning Lea in the direction of one of the other buildings. Lea headed for the building Terri had directed her to, and after a few minutes of wandering the halls she heard footsteps approaching her. "Hello?" She called as she stopped walking not wanting to bump into the other person.