Kage's demeanor seemed to change slightly at this new predicament. He became much more serious and interest sparked in his eyes. His gaze followed the coin's movements until it landed by him. In an almost careful manner, he leaned over and grabbed the coin in his hand. A small smile settled on his features and he now looked at Kelvin with a steady gaze. "I believe you have work to do." He responded before tossing the coin back over to him. In truth, Kage barely glanced at the coin. Instead, this became one of his more master-like moments. In a way, he planned on putting Kelvin to the test with this job. To Kage, Kelvin seemed confused about many things in his life and the reaction he showed towards the job made Kage wonder about him. All he could hope for was that the job might aid Kelvin in the long run. However, Kage was still an inexperienced guild master and the chances of it backfiring in someway, big or small, was easily possible.