[quote=scribz] Prison presents both physical, mental and emotional punishment by exposing offenders to other offenders and having them live with each other in confined spaces. The only known way a man reforms in prison is through religion, which is by chance the only cultural norm within the prison that enforces values that aren't "power through conflict" based and criminal by our standards. To say Prison is humane because it's not outright official torture or capital punishment is saying a 2nd degree burn isn't painful because of the instance of a 3rd degree burn. It's still in the "punishment" direction. [/quote] I think you misunderstand. I'm arguing that violence is the cornerstone of legitimate authority. When I said 'Prison is the humane alternative,' I meant it sardonically. As in, 'Look what being nice got you.' It's a hellish cess-pool where stronger, more violent men seize powers that we, in our civil discretion, refused to take.