The man changed in a way Kelvin hadn't seen before. He had been around for a few years, yes, but not in the guild. The longest he had spent was those months in recovery. Master Kage smiled at him and tossed back the coin. Kelvin caught it deftly with a grin. "I guess its plowing farm fields for me." He held Kage's gaze as he pocketed the coin, before turning, flat expression again, to gulp down his drink. This simplified things nicely, Kelvin let it drop to the counter and looked down the bar a bit to the young woman. "I don't suppose you are to interested in joining me? Even split it may be the best paying job for a while...Calla" It took a moment to summon the name to memory. He had already started walking out, Kelvin had been certain the answer was no before he had asked, he didn't look the type. But, playful banter is what guildmates do. Might as well make an attempt at it.