A slow smiles spreads across his lips as he once more hears the approach of his favorite angel. [i]'Oh goodie, two visits today. I hope he's feeling batter'[/i] Shifting just enough so that he can look at Aoba when he enters, Kuro gives him a wide smile,t he devious one from before replaces with one of simple pleasure. “Heheh, yeah. . .” he murmurs, watching Aoba closely. His eye open a little wider at the news. [i]'Perfect. This is perfect. Even one strait day, with help from the Little Mouse, and I can get out of here!'[/i] He keeps his face only lightly happy, more surprised than anything else. “That's great Little Mouse. Now you won't have to waste so much effort on me, heh.” His voice becomes a little sad as he talks. “I don;t know what you had to do to get them to take you seriously, but I'm glad for you Little Mouse. . .” While sad, he also sounds very truthful. It isn't very hard to sound happy for Aoba, since he really is happy for him, despite the feeling coming from a rather selfish place. He pouts a little. “I always behave myself with you love. Can I help it if my form of polite is a little more affectionate than what mister stuffy britches is use to?” Kuro thinks for a minute, trying to decide how to broach the next subject, but then he notices Aoba looking at the guards. “Yeah, those guys are peace keepers, I recognize the stiff bodies and deadpan stares. They won't jump to conclusions like the other guys so you don't have to worry about them hurting you like the others did.” He knows Aoba is more worried about them hurting Him or reporting his actions, but Kuro takes the selfless route. “As for where it hurts most. . .Well, the number he did on my back when he want about healing me left a lot of sore spots, and I think my arms and legs could use some work. I think the tough guy was just focused on keeping me from bleeding to death.” He ducks his head a little. “But um, what's really wrong with me at the moment is my blood loss itself.” He looks at Aoba with a very pathetic look before offering up a light smile. “Demons absorb anything they eat, each thing consumed converted into what a demon needs. It's why there are big fat demons out there. They eat more than they need, and all the wrong kinds of consumable. . .” He shudders at the thought before going on. “Anyways, I need to recover my blood, and to do that, I need to eat things with a lot of juice or liquid.” He smiles sheepishly. “Bloody raw meat would be the best, but I couldn't eat that in front of you, so some juicy fruits will do. . . .” His hand comes up to run over Aoba's wing gently. “That is, if it's not too much trouble. . .”