A "task force." A fucking "task force." Janet Stafford was psyched. She had never been on a team grand enough to be called a "task force" before, hell, she had never been in a group larger than four and even those were rare. This group had nine - NINE! - Erasure agents on it. That just had to mean that it was a very important, very challenging case. Right? Hanging around in the lobby of C-Central, Janet keep a strict view on the time. She knew that she didn't want to be the first one there, that was always the most awkward since she would wonder if she was in the right room, but one didn't want to be late either. Especially on a mission this important. Finally growing too impatient, she darted to the elevator when there still was five minutes left till the meeting started. There had to be at least one go-getter who arrived early. "Second Floor," she announced to the elevator, which quickly whooshed her up to the location. The glass door opened smoothly, revealing the wide, crisp hallway, and Janet practically ran out of the elevator and down the hall. "Meeting Room B…. Room B…. "A-ha!" she exclaimed as she reached the door. "Found it!" She was proud of herself. Though she had been in C-Central before, she couldn't honestly call herself familiar with it. Flashing her card and holding up her hand for identification, she grinned as the door finally approved her for entry. Already in the room was a grim older man, who looked like he wasn't entirely pleased with the situation, a young girl who probably should be out picking a prom dress, and a crisply dressed young man. Well, this wasn't promising. She suppressed a sigh. Though most Erasure Agents were what she called "stuffy," she constantly hoped that she'd find a others like her. People who, you know, knew how to smile. She supposed she was asking too much. "Hello," she said with a brisk wave as she took a seat at the table right next to the young girl, pushing the chair back so that she could kick her feet up. Leaning over, she began to poke through Aurora's books. "So, what do we have here? An 'Intro to Criminal Justice'? Since when did we start allowing kids in?" Smiling over at Elton, Janet pointed at the girl. "It's not just me, right? She's gotta be sixteen. Oooh, are we training people? Am I a trainer now? That sounds fun."