The corner of Silvack's mouth quirked at Rowan's comment almost as if he thought it was an amusing statement, given that he would readily give his life for his pack mates should such a thing be required however Rowan certainly had the right of it when it came to respect. Though it was not for any but a Hirogen to understand. "I shall accompany you, we do not yet know what this world holds and the best way to defeat any prey is to know it." Silvack pushed himself from the wall smoothly. He harbored no ill will for Rowan, it was simply a difference in culture. He unfolded his arms and stood ready, being confined to the room was starting to wear. If the hunt taught one thing it was knowing when to sit and wait but also knowing when it was time to move. His instincts were telling him more information was required and the female didn't appear to be able or willing to provide more. Although Silvack had never been one for gathering information through conversation. A rather calous personality and cold demeanor stunted his social skills in that area.